11 Channel Strategy and Analysis

1.Channel Strategy and Analysis, Project


In this module, you delved deeper to understand various retail channels. For this assignment, you will compare and contrast how your selected brand uses each channel to reach different target segments.

Select four of the distribution channels that you listed in your assignment in the previous module (Part 1), and conduct research into products, services, prices, and promotions offered on each channel

Create a visual presentation, using a visual presentation software, including the following information:

  • channel analysis: Create a table (see below) and complete the required information for each channel. Most visual software gives you the ability to create a table within the software.
Channels Products types and assortment:
What products are offered in each channel? Think about sizes, colors, etc. Are they the same or different? If different, how so?
What services and activities are offered in each channel? Think about repair service, gift-wrapping, free shipping, etc.
Are the prices the same across the channels? Do shipping and taxes change the pricing in different channels? Does the brand offer special promotions in specific channels that change the pricing?
Target customer:
Based on your research and analysis, do you think each channel caters to the same or to different customers? Describe the customer for each channel briefly, using segmentation terminology.
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
  • distribution strategy evaluation: Is the brand successful in reaching different target segments through their various channels, in your opinion? Remember to use terminology from the module, and add relevant imagery to demonstrate your opinion.
  • Tools

    Presentation software (such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides)

2.What’s in Your Pocket? Discussion

Do you realize that you are carrying stores with you in your pocket? Check your phone and see if you have any retailers or brand apps you downloaded in your phone. Also look at the social media platforms you use often and share which brands or retailers you are following. Lastly, share the list of retailers or brands you receive emails from on a regular basis.

How many did you find? Are you surprised?

Be honest! 🙂