
1. What are key drivers of performance of competitors? How have competitors influenced market development? To what extent are market segments separate or interconnected?

2. What sources of competitive advantage has PopChef sought to develop? What are key drivers of performance for PopChef? How has PopChef’s focus evolved over time and why?

3. Regarding the implications of PopChef, where does it want to go? What should PopChef do next? If you were an investor in PopChef, what would you do? How do competitors shape market dynamics? What are key drivers of performance of PopChef’s competitors? How do they influence the development of the market? To what extent are the lunch and dinner market segments separate of interconnected?

4. If you have built a platform or business catering to the dinner market, do you have an incentive to move into lunch market? If PopChef is serving lunches only, but hears news about a new entrant into the dinner market, can it afford to ignore it?

5. Given that the variable costs of the meal are covered, where has the 6 million Euro raised by PopChef has been spent? If Frichti shows up with 43 million Euro in investment, how does that change the game? What are the implications for PopChef? How did Frichti spend the money raised?