
Assignment: Chapter 1: From Theory to Policy:Evidence-Based Corrections

What are the seven main theories of corrections? Explain and give an example of each theory.

How To Fix Our Broken Criminal Justice System-TedTalk

Please watch the video and give three key points or statements that you didn't know before watching the video. And how can you apply these three points or statement to your life, family, job or community.


Discussion Chapter 2: Correctional Theory in Crisis: America's Changing Context

Please answer the following questions and make sure that your response is 100 words or more.


1. What is rehabilitation?

2. If corrections are not devoted to reforming offenders, then what reason is there to be concerned about the quality of prisons and the quality of interventions?

3. If offenders were merely the objects of our anger and scorn, what would inhibit the natural inclination to seek vengeance and make criminals suffer?


Assignment Chapter 2: Correctional Theory in Crisis: America's Changing Context

What caused the people in the 1820s to switch to a radically different from of corrections that involved constructing high-and thick-walled prisons that were imbued with the mission of transforming lawbreakers into law-abiders?

The Surprising Reason Our Correctional System Doesn't Work-TedTalk

Please watch the video and give three key points or statements that you didn't know before watching the video. And how can you apply these three points or statement to your life, family, job or community.

Discussion Chapter 3: Just Deserts: Doing Justice or Getting Tough?

Please answer the following questions and make sure that your response is 100 words or more.


1. Just deserts might sound philosophically persuasive, but are they politically feasible? Will just deserts always be corrupted by concerns over public safety?

2. How can anyone be against free will, humanity, justice and making victims and society whole?

3. If those who eventually turn to crime are raised in an unjust society, how can that society then turn around and hold these individually fully responsible for their actions?

Assignment Chapter 3: Just Deserts: Doing Justice or Getting Tough?

Explain in great details the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment.

What Is Fair and What Is Just?-TedTalk

Please watch the video and give three key points or statements that you didn't know before watching the video. And how can you apply these three points or statement to your life, family, job or community.

SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTSAll major assignments for this course will be submitted electronically using Canvas. Please use a standard 12-point font such as Times New Roman, Palatino, or Garamond. Use one inch margins and standard MLA or APA headers, (citation style according to the discipline), and double-space all documents.Certain daily assignments, such as reading quizzes, will be composed in-class. Therefore, please be sure you are prepared with ample pens, pencils, and notebook paper, and make sure you include your name, title of the course and date on all submissions. Your response to all assignments must be 100 words or more for each question in order to get full credit for that particular assignment. Do not send assignments to my email address but upload them in CANVAS.