Expand opportunities for nurses to lead and diffuse collaborative improvement efforts.

Recommendation 1: Remove scope-of-practice barriers This recommendation is especially important to me because the live and will practice in the state of Florida that has many barriers that we need to overcome as Advanced Practice work with state associat

Response to each post 150 words or more with 1-2 references peer review journal less than 5 years

I will utilize the IOM Nursing Reports from 2010 and 2016 in my role as an Advanced Practice Nurse by following the recommendations provided in the reports. They are all achievable if we work together to lead the changes needed in healthcare and the practice of Advance Practice Nurses.
Recommendation 1: Remove scope-of-practice barriers
This recommendation is especially important to me because I live and will practice in the state of Florida that has many barriers that we need to overcome as Advanced Practice Nurses. I will work with state associations such as the Florida Association of Nurse Practitioners to convince legislatures that the barriers need to be removed in order to provide safe healthcare to all of Florida’s residents. I will also help convince them to push insurance and Medicaid to pay APNs equally for the same work that doctors provide.
Recommendation 2: Expand opportunities for nurses to lead and diffuse collaborative improvement efforts.
I will use my military background in leadership and collaboration to lead the effort in nurses being recognized and utilized to their full education and potential. I will lead by example in how nurses can work beside doctors and be recognized as expert consultants as well as implementors of healthcare policy and workplace procedures.
Recommendation 3: Implement nurse residency programs.
Wherever I work as a Family Nurse Practitioner, I will work to implement a nurse residency program if one is not already established. If there is one I will assess and possibly improve upon the program in order to make the transition for new nurses and new advance practice nurses as seamless as possible.
Recommendation 4: Increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent by 2020.
I will be graduating in 2020 so I may not be able to make much of an impact until later, but I will motivate other nurses I know to continue their education if they do not already have a BSN. I will also be helping my husband through nursing school in this time frame. After I have achieved my DNP I will help this recommendation by teaching at a nursing school part time.
Recommendation 5: Double the number of nurses with a doctorate by 2020.
I will be graduating with my MSN in 2020, but already plan to continue on to achieve my DNP. I will again lead by example in this endeavor. I will also help implement the necessity to achieve a DNP for APNs through associations and legislative changes.
Recommendation 6: Ensure that nurses engage in lifelong learning.
This is an ideal that I fully believe in, because healthcare is always advancing and changing. All nurses need to continue to educate themselves on current evidence-based practices and assist in the research and development of healthcare practices and policies. I will teach other nurses how to implement this ideal in their practice as well.
Recommendation 7: Prepare and enable nurses to lead change to advance health.
I will help this recommendation in education at my workplace, active participation in nursing associations, and motivating other nurses to do the same. I will work with doctors to educate them on the role of advance practice nurses, so they will be more cognizant of the abilities of APNs.
Recommendation 8: Build an infrastructure for the collection and analysis of interprofessional health care workforce data.
I will be involved in the research efforts of my organization and will assist in the collection of data for improving the interprofessional health care workforce.


Nurses remain a paramount factor in the forefront of healthcare provision. An article by Hassmiller (2013) asserts the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has launched an impressive obligation to develop the impact and reach of the expansion of nursing roles, education and scopes of practice. The RWJF supports the 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) study on the future of nursing. The RWJF commitment to nursing is augmented with the financial support of grants; which in turn helps nurses become nurse leaders. A nurse leader has the ability and knowledge to ascertain funds which allow them to sustain their efforts long term (Hassmiller, 2013).
The IOM (2010) The Future of Nursing called for an increase to 80% in baccalaureate prepared nurse and to double the number of doctoral prepared nurses in the current workforce (as cited by Nickitas, 2016). In the pursuit of my current Masters in Nursing degree with a specialization in Family Nurse Practitioner, I am applying recommendations from the IOM report by achieving higher levels of education and plan on practicing to the full extent of my education and training (IOM, 2015).
Nickitas (2016) also claims that strong leadership and aptitude can empower nurses of all levels (p. 93) As an Advance Practice Nurse (APN), I will strive to enhance my skill and competencies in leadership roles that facilitate collaborative efforts which improve access and quality care for those in need. Since committing to this program, I have already joined several nursing organizations that reflect changes and updated information regarding APN practice. It will be my professional responsibility to remain informed and updated regarding policy change that could affect my practice, and ultimately my patients.


Hassmiller, S. B. (2013). The RWJF’s investment in nursing to strengthen the health of individuals, families, and communities. Health Affairs, 32(11), 2051-5. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.southuniversity.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/1458312268?accountid=87314

Institute of Medicine [IOM]. (2015). Assessing Progress on the Institute of Medicine Report: The Future of Nursing. Retrieved from https://myclasses.southuniversity.edu/content/enforced/38501-2406905/media/transcripts/Nursing-Report-in-brief.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=DM0XRZ78AdHgslHpzEUOgyyz9

Nickitas, D. M. (2016). Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals, 2nd Edition. [South University]. Retrieved from https://digitalbookshelf.southuniversity.edu/#/books/9781284089639/

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