In this essay, you will make a sound argument about the academic topic you’ve been working with in this class.

2019SU Writing and Inquiry (ENG-111-1F01) Unit 3: Assignment 1 — Revised Thesis with Research Points and Works Cited For this assignment, you will revise your working thesis from Unit 2 for your academic essay, which you will begin drafting. Your upcoming essay will need to be 3-4 pages in MLA format with 4 sources. In this essay, you will make a sound argument about the academic topic you’ve been working with in this class. Remember: you must position yourself on one side of the debate for this assignment. You will NOT draft the essay; instead, you will begin to map out its frame. Please use the template below to organize your ideas. Thesis: Write out your revised argumentative thesis that includes your main points based on your research. Supporting Research Points: Identify key sources or quotes that you plan to support the main ideas included in your thesis. Main idea #1: write out topic sentence that states a claim Main piece of evidence from a source with an MLA in-text citation. Main idea #2: write out topic sentence that states a claim Main piece of evidence from source with an MLA in-text citation. Repeat as necessary. Refutation of Opposing Argument: write out topic sentence that includes an idea from the opposing side. Main piece of evidence the opposing side would use with an MLA in-text citation. Identify key rebuttal points for your argument. Works Cited: Include the full MLA citations for each of your academic sources. Acceptable Length One full page minimum for the thesis and research points. Works Cited on a separate page. Resources Please review the resources for this Unit. Grading Criteria 20 points: Student demonstrates focus through a detailed thesis statement that organizes the frame of the upcoming essay. 10 points: Student includes clear topic sentences that align to the thesis statement. 20 points: Student uses credible, sufficient evidence to support each point. 10 points: Student mindfully acknowledges the opposing arguments and offers a refutation. 30 points: Student presents a Works Cited page with all academic sources formatted in MLA. 10 points: Students adequately edits and polishes the assignment to fit the academic audience. To Submit Click the link to the assignment at the top, and find the button for “Browse My Computer.” Upload a Word-compatible document from there. Unit 3: Assignment 2 — Working Draft to Instructor for Review Assignment Guidelines For this assignment, you will begin drafting your argumentative research paper in paragraph form. In the previous assignment, you developed a stronger thesis and organized your main points with ideas from your sources. Now, you will attempt to put these ideas in essay form with the final draft in mind. At minimum, you will need to include an introduction (with your thesis) and three body paragraphs (with research). This is just a draft, but you are required to have the following elements in your final essay: (1) An introduction that introduces the topic and ends with a strong thesis. Your thesis should state your argument and its major reasons in a clear, concise manner; (2) A background paragraph that offers your reader more information about the topic and its current debate (or relevant history); (3) Two to four paragraphs that identify your two to four main points. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence that links back to the thesis, and you should support each body paragraph with sufficient, credible evidence and analysis; (4) Refutation of Opposing Arguments. You should present the opposing side or potential obstacles and offer a refutation in order to convince your reader and eliminate bias; (5) A conclusion paragraph that ties all of your paper’s points together and argues an overall significance. (6) A Works Cited page with four, credible sources in MLA format. Acceptable Length Two full pages in MLA format. You may include your Works Cited, but you are not required to do so. It will not count toward your two page minimum for the draft. NOTE: Please review all guidelines for the final draft in Unit 4. Formatting Requirements MLA format for page set up and in-text citations for sources used. Grading Criteria If you submit an introduction and three body paragraphs with in-text citations from your sources, you will receive full credit. Less than that will receive deductions. To Submit Unit 4: Assignment 3 — Research Essay Final Draft Assignment Guidelines For this assignment, you will finish revising your the paper you drafted in Unit 3. Please consider the comments you received on your draft carefully and ask questions if you have them! A strong essay includes the following: (1) An introduction that introduces the topic and ends with a strong thesis. Your thesis should state your argument and its major reasons in a clear, concise manner; (2) A background paragraph that offers your reader more information about the topic and its current debate (or relevant history); (3) Two to four paragraphs that identify your two to four major reasons. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence that links back to the thesis, and you should support each body paragraph with sufficient, credible evidence and analysis; (4) Refutation of Opposing Arguments. You should present the opposing side or potential obstacles and offer a refutation in order to convince your reader and eliminate bias; (5) A conclusion paragraph that ties all of your paper’s points together and argues an overall significance. (6) A Works Cited in MLA format that includes four credible sources. Acceptable Length Your essay must be 3 – 4 pages in MLA format with an additional page for the Works Cited. Anything less than three full pages will not meet the minimum requirements. Formatting Requirements MLA format is required. Your paper must have an appropriate heading and should include in-text citations and a Works Cited.

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