In groups of 4- 6 students you have been tasked with creating a new YA news and infotainment product for a global media player

Summary This assignment furthers your analytical, academic, and critical engagement skills, transferable skills such as research, time management/project planning, adhering to format rules, well as allowing you to work cooperatively towards a real life creative output built on these principles and within the media industries. and utilizes your as Assignment In groups of 4- 6 students you have been tasked with creating a new YA news and infotainment product for a global media player. The group needs to identify a format (documentary style / serial / online webpage / podcast / gamified news etc.) and theme (built on which audience segment they want to target) for the new product as well as a possible media client. Depending on the media client you may be tasked to then diversify your holding either a) for different media outlets (various formats) or b) different media markets (different regions or countries). The group presenting this product in a pitch setting to the class is the final assessed project of the module. The team members must take part in creating the products format and theme collaborati vely. Each student is then responsible for one a) format or b) market, depending on which client they produce for and will introduce this in the pitch session as part of the presentation. Each student will be marked based on both their individual present presentations success. ation and the overall pitch Each team needs to hand in a reflexive sheet discussing which issues discussed in class came up during the creative process (for example representation issues differing in different countries or technological differences affecting what content can be delivered on different formats) in creating their presentation. Each team will present their final product pitch to the class on July 2nd. On this day, each team member uploads a link to the presentation (or presentation itself if one document) to the CW2 Moodle upload link. One person per team needs to agree to send the teams feedback sheet also. Each teams presentation will be followed by a brief Q&A This assignment counts for 50% of the module mark. Learning Outcomes Assessed by this Assignment This assignment assesses the following module learning outcomes: 3. use the key concepts effectively in identifying a range of existing media, cultural and communication texts and configurations; 4. deploy the explored concepts and draw connections among them in order to elucidate elements of contemporary media culture. Ethics The ethical issues associated with this brief will be covered on the module. However, the work that you will carry out on this module does not require you to obtain ethical clearance for your individual project. If, during discussion with your module tutor, it is felt that ethical clearance is needed, you will be advised of the process and the deadline for obtaining that clearance. If clearance is not obtained by the deadline, then you will not be able to proceed with the project. If you do so without clearance, the project will not be accepted for submission, will not be marked and you may face disciplinary penalties. For full details of the Universitys policy on ethics, please click here. The CU Ethics portal can be found here. What You Need to Deliver 25 June Project outline (one per team) detailing strategy, timing, and planning essentials pertinent to their project formative assessment 02 July One inhouse to face to face, team presentation with the team presenting their product, key idea and One reflexive sheet per team at time of presentation Submission Requirements Each team member uploads their individual feedback, and the link to the presentation (or pr esentation itself if one document) to the CW2 Moodle upload link in the file titles of all documents submitted. You must include your full name One person per team needs to agree to send the teams feedback sheet also. You must make every effort to submit the best work possible prior to the deadline . If your assignment is submitted online please do not leave it until the last minute to submit. Aim to submit in the working day before or on If the deadline, or earlier, in case there are problems submitting. you fail to submit work for the module or submit an assessed piece of work late without an agreed extension, you will receive a mark of 0% for that piece of work, even if it is one minute late. You will however be eligible for a repass, sit attempt at the next your mark will be capped at 40%. available assessment opportunity where If you fail the resit , if you assignment, or fail to submit for it, you have only one more attempt at the assignment. If you fail this assignment on the first submission, the resit brief for the module can be found on the modules Moodle space. Read this carefully and book a tutorial with the Module Leader to ensure that you are clear about what you need to do to pass the module at the resit opportunity. Assessment and Feedback A rubric detailing the breakdown of points for marking will be provided closer to the time of the proposal. The project outline is formative, and not graded. The presentation will count for the full 50% of the coursework. Extensions and Mitigating Circu mstances The University wants you to do your best. However, we know that sometimes events happen that are either beyond your control or easy to predict and which mean that you will not be able to submit your coursework by the deadline. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline of up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply for an extension or a deferral before the assignment deadline above.

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