Nursing,Jean Watson’s Theory of Transpersonal Caring was first published in 1988. Her theory distinguishes seven assumptions and ten “carative” factors (Watson, 2008). The seven suppositions are: 1. Caring can be viably shown and honed just relationally.


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Jean Watson’s Theory of Transpersonal Caring was first published in 1988. Her theory distinguishes seven assumptions and ten “carative” factors (Watson, 2008). The seven suppositions are:
1. Caring can be viably shown and honed just relationally.
2. Caring comprises of carative components that outcome in the fulfillment of certain human needs.
3. Effective minding enhances the health and person or family development.
4. Caring reactions acknowledge individual as he or she is presently as well as what he or she may progress toward becoming.
5. A minding condition is one that offers the improvement of potential while enabling the individual to pick the best activity for himself or herself at a given point in time.
6. Caring is increasingly “healthogenic” than is restoring. An investigation of minding is corresponding to the art of relieving.
7. The practice of caring is in the center to nursing.
Watsons ten essential carative components are:
1. The arrangement of a humanistic-unselfish arrangement of values.
2. The establishment of confidence trust.
3. The development of affectability to one’s self and to other people.
4. The advancement of a helping-trust relationship
5. The advancement and acknowledgment of the outflow of positive and negative emotions.
6. The systematic application of the scientific problem-solving strategy for decision making
7. The advancement of relational teaching learning.
8. The arrangement for a strong, defensive and/or restorative mental, physical, socio-social and spiritual environment.
9. Assistance with the delight of human needs.
10. The remittance for existential-phenomenological powers.
Watson alludes to the initial three factors as a philosophical establishment on which the science of caring is based.The remaining seven components advance from the initial three (Watson, 2008). The four metaparadigms of nursing with respect to Watson demonstrate the all encompassing nature of the caring model. The individual is seen as an esteemed individual to be thought about, regarded, sustained, comprehended, and helped. Health ought to accomplish an abnormal state of generally mental, physical, and social capacity, through a versatile level of day by day working with the nonappearance of sickness. Environment states that caring exists over all societies and social orders, however caring isn’t transmitted between ages, rather it is transmitted by the way of life of nursing as a calling as an ecological way of dealing with stress. Nursing is characterized as a human science intervened by expert, individual, logical, and moral human exchanges (Sitzman, K., Watson, J., and Watson Caring Science Institute, 2014;2013;).
Applicability to research can be seen through the estimation of personal satisfaction dependent on the impact of Watson’s minding model by and by. For instance, an investigation of the impact of Watson’s theory on the personal satisfaction and circulatory strain of patients with hypertension showed a connection between the minding model and diminished pulse (Erci, B., et. al., 2003).
Erci, B., Sayan, A., Tortumluoǧlu, G., Kiliç, D., Şahin, O., & Güngörmüş, Z. (2003). The effectiveness of Watson’s Caring Model on the quality of life and blood pressure of patients with hypertension. Journal of Advanced Nursing,41(2), 130-139. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2003.02515.x
Sitzman, K., Watson, J., & Watson Caring Science Institute. (2014;2013;). Caring science, mindful practice: Implementing watson’s human caring theory. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Watson, J. (2008). Nursing: The philosophy and science of caring (Rev. ed.). Boulder, Colo: University Press of Colorado.


The Implementation of theories into your nursing practice has many benefits for the nurse and the nursing profession. Theories provide nurses with opportunities to establish values and morals that will assist with evaluating patient care and improving nurse interventions based on the evaluation outcomes. Theories are also useful with providing a source or justification for decisions made. This discussion will provide information related to Orems self- care theory as applied to practice and research.
Orem’s self -care theory provides an inspiring framework related to patients and nurses, along with their relationship. It supports clear understandings of the scope of nursing, defining nursing for what it isn’t, or what nursing can be. Orem outlines nursing communication, provides clarity, nursing structure, links applicable information, and identifies results or goals for nursing. This facilitates ways to establish the value of quality nursing care and accountability. Orem’s theory states that all people have simular needs, and are self-sufficient and accountable for their own self-care. It covertly states that health, well-being, and human development are dependent on self-care requisites (Desanto- Madeya, 2013)
Trauma patients come into the hospital after a traumatic injury. Most of them were fully independent prior to an event. Many times they are debilitated for months, years or even life when they leave the hospital. Orem’s Self-Care theory, provides nurses with a foundation for supporting their patients and providing them the chance for individuality and independence to provide care for themselves. Through education, physical therapy, mental and emotional health, nurse- patient relationships and holistic care, Nurses can assist patient to their fullest potential prior to discharge. Health promotion education on self-care when appropriate during patient care is provided prior to patient being discharged home, this aspect comes from the principles of Orem’s self-care theory.
Orem’s theory is directly tied to nursing clinical practice, nursing research, and nursing goals. The theory provides a foundation for research by use of the three step method that supports and determines when there is a self- care deficit. This can be completed during my patient assessments where communication and trust starts and continues. Bernier, 2003 noted that Orem’s theory can guide nurses with theoretical concepts and goal setting, while providing foundations where nurses can question the current practice and expand the avenues of research. With the use of nursing theories that is specific to your nursing practice, you develop more confidence in your decision making and it also enables self-reflection concerning professional growth, personal growth and allows opportunity for new innovations.

Bernier, F. (2003). Applying Orem’s self-care deficit theory of nursing to continence care:
part 2. Urologic Nursing, 22(6), 384-90.
Younas, A. (2017). A Foundational Analysis of Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory and Evaluation of Its Significance for Nursing Practice and Research. Creative Nursing,23(1), 13–23.,1.13

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