You also described the agency in terms of its current workforce structure in your introduction.

Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Workforce Structure
In Milestone One, you selected a strategic plan that you will use throughout the course as you work toward final submission. You also described the agency in terms of its current workforce structure in your introduction. You reviewed how it impacted the culture of the agency. You also justified implementation of your proposal using the description of your workforce structure. In this milestone, you will further develop the workforce structure created in Milestone One with additional information regarding personnel. Keeping with the prompt and scenario presented in your final project, for Milestone Two, you will submit a draft of Section II (Workforce Structure) using the sample strategic plan that you selected. This draft should be as detailed as possible to allow the instructor to provide significant feedback. The draft should also incorporate the research you have performed up to this point and the workforce structure description as provided in Milestone One. Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed in Milestone Two: II. Workforce Structure: Provide information regarding personnel. Include the structure, culture, retention, recruitment, and current trends in the field of human services. a) Explain how the agencys workforce structure and culture were considered when creating the proposal. Consider relationships between the agencys workforce culture and its ability to provide comprehensive service delivery. b) Recommend changes to personnel that address retention and program delivery. What are some options for helping personnel become more valuable to the agency and the community served? Consider illustrating how the retention of personnel might alter the current state of the agency and the quality of service delivery. c) Recommend changes to personnel that address recruitment and program delivery. What are some ideas for hiring new personnel who would be valuable to the agency and the community served? You might also consider how the recruitment of additional personnel might alter the current state of the agency and the quality of service delivery. d) Evaluate how the proposal aligns with current trends in human services. Provide details showing how human resources might be maximized to best meet the needs of the community. Consider addressing how current models might positively impact the agencys culture. Below is a copy of my Milestone One Assignment…use this paper as a guide to help you do this Milestone Two Assignment as this paper below is the first part of my final project and this assignment will be part two of my final project: Agency Proposal The workforce of the agency is significantly flawed in that most of the roles overlap each other causing problems in how each employee fits into their position while some other jobs still have no defined person to execute them. This creates a lag in the job completion process and most often than not, the employees depending on the gap roles will have extra work on their hands. The reason for the gaps is that HR did not have sufficient funds while designing the jobs. Now that the company wants to remain flexible, it needs to source for funding from its current revenue and direct them towards finding the right talent at the right cost for their positions. This proposal should help the organization budget it’s funding better with regards to their employees. Having the right employee for each job is significant in how the agency achieves its strategic plan (Sperling, 2017). The proposal should also target how the company selects and recruits its employees thus having a better workforce which is set on accomplishing the agency’s strategic plan. The project will also address redesigning HR to analyze the needs of the agency better and create job positions and also recruit the necessary talent for each of the posts. For instance, the driving focus of UNICEF’s Strategic Plan is achieving more results for children (UNICEF, 2018). The proposal will also address how the company should better acquire funding from the past grants and find better ways of finding new funding for the long-term health of the agency. The mission and vision of an organization must always be reflected in the strategic plan of the organization. They should be the driving force and the anchor for the strategic plan. The mission and vision for the agency, in this case, were used to communicate the goals of the organization to the community it impacted including its employees. The current gaps in the agency’s functions affect the mission in that the company is not working on a way forward to achieve its goals. Suffice to say that the company is operating blindly even though the purpose statement helps guide the primary function of the agency. The new strategic plan may involve changing the mission statement to reflect a new course of the agency (Bryson, 2018). The most fundamental current trends in human service delivery include collaboration between the private human services and public sectors. According to Neukrug, “Broad coalitions of organizations with the right skills and resources led by human services agencies would jointly provide coordinated, cradle-to-grave human services with a shared emphasis on work, higher paying jobs with skill-ready workers and early intervention minimizing the need for deeper-end government services.” (Neukrug, 2016). Another trend is that there are new modes of funding and that organizations are now caring for the whole person instead of merely their essential services. The impact on the costs and quality is that the variety of organization services will significantly improve while the charges will be lesser than the norm. This proposal will significantly alter the state of affairs in the agency starting with a possible change in the mission and vision statements. These changes will be facilitated by the difference in the workforce structure, a shift in funding and budget practices. These changes will most likely be permanent and will shift the focus of the agency to primarily how they accomplish offering their services. ? References Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons. Neukrug, E. S. (2016). Theory, practice, and trends in human services: An introduction. Cengage Learning. Sperling, J. (2017). For-profit higher education: Developing a world class workforce. Routledge. UNICEF, Strategic Plan 2018-2021 Executive Summary. Published by UNICEF, Division of Communication 3 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA. Retrieved from This assignment must be done in APA format.

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