
Week 8 – Empowering Five-Fold Ministers

· Week 8 – Final Paper 

Write a 1500-word APA Final Paper. Post your Final Paper below and post a Peer Review copy. See the instructions below. 

1. Define the Five-Fold Offices of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. Explain how these offices and functions synergistically work together to bring the Church into the fullness of Christ. 

2. Explain in your own words how the current Apostolic Reformation should accelerate revival in Christians' lives, reform the Church, and produce culture change in the world at large? 

3. Write out your personal strategic plan outlining how you believe God desires to work His Five-Fold plan in your life. 

4. In the last section of your Final Paper, summarize your takeaways from the Empowering Five-Fold Ministers course. 


Week 8 – Final Paper – Empowering Five-Fold Ministers

Write a 1500-word APA Final Paper. Post your Final Paper below and post a Peer Review copy. See the instructions below.

Define the Five-Fold Offices of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. Explain how these offices and functions synergistically work together to bring the Church into the fullness of Christ. 

Explain in your own words how the current Apostolic Reformation should accelerate revival in Christians' lives, reform the Church, and produce culture change in the world at large? 

Write out your personal strategic plan outlining how you believe God desires to work His Five-Fold plan in your life. 

In the last section of your Final Paper, summarize your takeaways from the Empowering Five-Fold Ministers course.