Program Logistics

As you assemble your draft plan, include the following new elements:

A program schedule, with staffing needs for each segment of the program, including any overlapping tasks (for example, ongoing session and break refreshments preparation). 

Program budgets, using the structures provided on pages 12a12f of the Caffarella and Daffron text.

A description of a comprehensive marketing plan appropriate for your program in the structure provided in Exhibit 13I Sample Marketing Campaign Plans. Be certain to include consideration of internal and external marketing.

 Your plan must have the following elements. In addition to any prior clarifications, you are required to have the following elements clearly identified and fully developed:

Program goals and learning outcomes or objectives aligned to those goals.

Selection of a single program plan model with justification for the selection.

Instructional plans, including assessments, with clear alignment to program goals and learning outcomes or objectives.

Instructional resources.

Plans for transfer of learning, with clear alignment to program goals and learning outcomes or objectives.

Selection of a single program evaluation model or approach with justification for the selection.

Evaluation matrix that aligns with the evaluation model or approach.

Data collection and data analysis plan that clearly aligns with the evaluation matrix.

Data collection tools for each element of the data collection and data analysis plan.

Strategies for communicating results and recommendations to stakeholders.

Program schedule, with staffing needs for each segment of the program, including any overlapping tasks (for example, ongoing session and break refreshments preparation).

Program budgets.

A comprehensive marketing plan.

In addition, your document should be free of errors and follow current APA style and format.