presentation and slides

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

C. State of Technology in the Organization:
Describe the current state of technology in your field agency.
What are the areas and functions the technology is designed to address in your agency?
What are strengths and weaknesses of the different technological systems?
What is the level of staff competency using technology?
If you were put in charge of a committee whose charge was to make technology.
recommendations for the agency over the next five years, what technology issues would you
prioritize as important?
What will need to be in place for your recommendations to be realized?
What might be some barriers to implementation?

Students will work in teams to prepare a role play and oral presentation using topics presented on the following pages, in conjunction with their field practicum or personal experience (or one that is created addressing the issues presented). Team presentations will begin in Week #4. Students should be prepared to use the role play to demonstrate effective administrative practices (in cases where the role play refers to a students actual experience, please describe only ONE students experience). In the oral presentation that follows the role play, students should describe the primary administrative practice approach (again, using one students experience, but described and presented by all team members) demonstrated in terms of the relevant theory or approach (please cite references in the slides and provide a reference page at the end of the presentation). Students are also required to incorporate the relevant assigned readings, recommended readings, or academic journal articles to support the role play presentations. Student teams are to prepare a one-page brief outline of what will be presented and power point presentation (to be uploaded into Brightspace prior to the presentation).

Each teams presentation and discussion should last no more than twenty minutes. Each student must demonstrate participation in both the role play and discussion. The team presentation is the foundation of the final paper.