Clinical Field Experience B: Lesson Plan Review


Seeking feedback from peers is something quality educators do consistently. Being open to constructive feedback will ensure teachers are constantly improving as instructors and professionals. 

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience. 

Meet with your mentor teacher to review the lesson plan you created  in Topic 4. In your review, discuss the following:

  • Does the lesson support student development across content areas?
  • Is the lesson developmentally appropriate for the students in the class?
  • Does the lesson meet the diverse needs of the students in the class?

    Write a 250 word reflection summarizing your discussion with your mentor teacher. What changes will you make to the lesson based on your mentor teachers feedback? How will these changes meet the diverse needs  of the students in your field experience class? How will you apply what you have learned through this experience in your future professional practice?