Relational Advice Vlog


Part I- In 250 words, write out a brief description of a scenario in which someone is having trouble understanding the role of context, emotion, or listening in a relationship. It doesnt have to be a conflict, just a situation that could benefit from your advice based upon what you have learned in class. Your inspiration for the situation could come from your own life or from a situation about which you were told by a friend, co-worker, family member, or even acquaintance.

Part II-  Write a blog post of 550 words, respond to the situation with your advice. In the advice you provide:

  1. Incorporate what you have learned about the role of context (background, personality, worldview, culture), emotion, and listening in relationships.
  2. Include a clear introduction, summarizing the key ideas that you will address in your vlog post.
  3. Include a clear set of recommendations about the expression of emotions and active listening, both in how to think about the issue as well as what to do/how to behave.
  4. Include a clear conclusion with a clear summary of key ideas and call to action.

Include a minimum of two sources to support the advice you give.