edu writing 3 (2)


  • Prompt: Using the reading strategies presented in Chapter 5, create one daily lesson plan that will be incorporated into your final project.
  • Requirements: Use comprehension strategies from Chapter 5 to create a lesson for your Final Project Thematic Unit that includes Before, During, and After-Reading activities (See Chapter 5 for a review of these.)
    • Use the Daily Lesson Plan Template.
    • Because this assignment will become one of the daily lessons in your final project, be sure you have an overall idea of how it will fit with the other three (3) days in your plan.
    • Make sure your lesson activities include literacy strategies and are not just content area subject lessons.
    • Make sure that you give all directions. For example: dont just say, We will do Pair-Share, and assume everyone knows what that is. Describe the activity.
    • List literacy and content area standards addressed through your lesson.
    • Identify differentiation strategies for struggling learners.
    • Create and include all necessary student handouts.
    • Submit the Daily Lesson Plan Template and all student handouts as one document.