Evaluate the Feasibility of Developing Social Enterprise as a Spin-off Activity

Evaluate the Feasibility of Developing Social Enterprise as a Spin-off Activity
Project Management and Social Enterprise
You work for a housing or health and social care organisation and you have been asked by the Board of Management to produce a report that evaluates the feasibility of developing a social enterprise as a spin- off activity to benefit the organisation and its service users.
You need to:
Set out what is distinctive about a social enterprise that sets it apart from other commercial businesses
Why the organisation should consider the development of a social enterprise
What type of enterprise might be appropriate and why
Who would be the main beneficiaries both of the goods/services and the target employees
An assessment of the likely market and the competitors
An outline of the financial viability and the likely profit margin
You should conclude with a clear recommendation based upon the evidence that you have provided in your report
All sources should be fully referenced and acknowledged. The report should be set out properly including an executive summary.

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