Discuss their similarities and differences of the two systems following a compare/contrast essay structure.

Topic: Acadamic Writing
Order Description
This coursework requires you to write a 1000 word essay. Choose the following titles:
Compare and contrast the UK education system with that of ONE country of your choice
Structure of essay:
Introduction (including a thesis statement) * Introduce the subject by giving some brief background information on the topic of education/healthcare/transport and/or the two countries/cities you are comparing. * Write a short thesis statement explaining what you are going to do in the essay identifying the main areas of comparison and if possible identifying your position (i.e. which system is better?).
Body paragraphs (3 4 paragraphs)
* Discuss their similarities and differences of the two systems following a
compare/contrast essay structure.
* Analyse three areas such as the funding organisation and quality of each
system (one paragraph each start with a clear topic sentence).
* Provide evidence and examples using the relevant booklet and your own
research and comment on the implications for each country/city.
* Summarise the main points of your essay in one concluding paragraph.
* Include your own opinion as to which system is more effective.

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