Discuss the health problems and health service issues associated with homelessness

Discuss the health problems and health service issues associated with homelessness
1 Health needs assessment
2 Global Health and Health Inequalities
3 Global health and health inequalities
4 Public health and health promotion.
5 Community empowerment
6 Health policy
7 Politics and ideology
8 Some key public health documents
Spectrum of housing need
Problem of a settings approach
Hard to reach groups
Housing as a determinant of health
homelessness is a major public health problem
The homeless are not an homogenous group.
official and the unofficially homeless
Homelessness is associated with increased risk of physical ill health
Remember that this is not an homogenous group
A wide range of mental health problems are common in the homeless
As above
Health problems might lead to homelessness
Organisation of health services around the homeless. Many are not registered with a GP and there are other barriers to accessing care such as previous experience of negative attitudes.
Health service provision needs to be co-ordinated with the work of other agencies. Need for specialist services with specially trained staff.
Homeless may have pressing survival and social needs and not prioritise their health needs
Social exclusion and stigma

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