How you will you respond to complaints made about you to the Director of Nursing and/or Nursing Midwifery Board of Australia as a consequence taking such an action?

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia emphasises the professional accountability of nurses. Nursing is governed by professional codes and practice standards. There are times in practice where you may be asked to do work that you consider being unsafe or risky. For example being asked to care for patients in a speciality area that you are unfamiliar with or being assigned patients who have a highly infectious communicable disease.
This assignment asks you to consider an ethical dilemma the decision by registered nurses of refusing a patient allocation. This is a complex decision and may have implications for an individuals practice as a healthcare professional.
In this assignment you are to address the following:
Is refusing a patient allocation an option for a registered nurse? If so why? If not why not?
How you will you respond to complaints made about you to the Director of Nursing and/or Nursing Midwifery Board of Australia as a consequence taking such an action?
In your response you are to critically address the questions with reference to the academic literature and regulatory standards and codes.

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