Analysis of the literature has been undertaken methodically and systematically

literature review: identification and management of a deteriorating child
Order Description
Task Description: The aim of this assessment is to enable students to critique contemporary literature and research on a topic related to the identification and management of a deteriorating child
Assessment details: The student will need to consider the following items when writing your literature review.
The literature search strategy has been appropriate and relevant literature on the topic of choice has been identified
Relevent and appropriate articles have been selected for inclusion
Analysis of the literature has been undertaken methodically and systematically
What is known about the topic is clearly described and the levels of evidence identified
The gaps in knowledge about the topic have been identified and limitation outlined
the impact of nursing practice has been discussed
The review is written grammatically and logically to enhance the readers experience
Assessment details
Word count: 2000
For the purpose of this assessment item the following general format is suggested;
Introduction to explain the subject and provide context for the reader
Body methods and results of the literature review
Conclusion based on the evidence
Font: Calibri 12 Times New Roman 10 or Arial 10
Referencing: APA

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