List what muscles/ lung features are responsible for quiet exhalation and forced exhalation?

Draw another diagram of the lungs, but this time with the pleura. Indicate the relative pressures of ambient air,intrapulmonary pressure, and intrapleural pressure when at rest (not moving.) When you breath in and move your diaphragm, what happens to the RE pressures? How is this related to air flow? List the muscles of quiet inspiration and forced inspiration. Indicate what keeps the lungs sealed to the diaphragm and thoracic cage. When you breathe out, what happens to these pressures. List what muscles/ lung features are responsible for quiet exhalation and forced exhalation? o o o Redraw the diagram of Respiratory volumes. Be able to describe what is measured a how it is measured to come up with total lung capacity. . How is AVR similar to Cardiac output? What types of things contribute to lung capacity? IS it always related to increased alveolar ventilation? How would a restrictive disorder influence respiratory capacity? How would a compliance disorder effect capacity? Describe the difference. o o Gas Exchange Draw yet another Human diagram, focusing on a capillary in the lung, and a capillary in the abdomen (system capillary). .

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