Identify and explain the prevention level(s) at which the initiative operates

Identify a recent (i.e. published since 2010) public health initiative in Australia or internationally; you can select an issue of interest either from scientific literature or published reports. The initiative could be for example an intervention a project a program a policy an advocacy or community action. You cannot use any of the case studies discussed in Module 1 tutorials.
For your chosen initiative:
Identify and explain the prevention level(s) at which the initiative operates (3 marks)
Critically appraise the characteristics of the initiative particularly its overarching approach or approaches (i.e. health promotion health education disease prevention) and its strategy(ies) (i.e. behaviour change community-based policy-based environment-based) (5 marks)
Critically appraise the health promotion principles and values evident in the initiative (6 marks)
Identify and discuss opportunities to enhance the public health impact of the initiative (3 marks)
You will also be assessed on your ability to write using appropriate academic structure and style (5 marks) and on your use of references to support your arguments (3 marks).
See the attached assessment rubric for further details on the standard expected for each of the criteria.
Please adhere to the Guide for completing assignments on the final page of this document.

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