Analyze how politics has influenced economics on a non-U.S. based health care model. 25%

Website icon Politics and Health Care Economics Scoring Guide.
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This assignment represents the second component of your course project. In this assignment you will complete the following:
Identify and analyze how politics has influenced health care economics in the U.S.
Identify one alternative non-U.S.-based health care economic model (you may choose from Canada Great Britain Germany or Japan).
Identify and analyze how politics has influenced health care economics in the non-U.S. based model you chose.
Compare the U.S. health care model with non-U.S. model you chose.
The paper must be formatted as follows:
35 pages of text double spaced.
A minimum of 68 outside references required.
Citations must appear within the body of your paper to correspond with the references listed at the end of the paper (i.e. if the resource is included in your Reference List the resource must be cited in your paper).
Use Times New Roman 12-point font.
Activity Weighting
Analyze how politics has influenced health care economics in the U.S. 25%
Analyze alternative non-U.S.-based health care economic models. 25%
Analyze how politics has influenced economics on a non-U.S. based health care model. 25%
Compare the U.S. health care model to a non-U.S model. 25%

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