Describe at least three ways in which wireless technology is being used in the health industry today

Assignment 2: Role of Wireless TechnologyIn this assignment, you will discuss the role of wireless technology for the health industry and its impact in the field of medicine.Tasks:Describe at least three ways in which wireless technology is being used in the health industry today.Explain how the use of wireless transmission and mobile devices has brought revolution in the field of medicine.Cite at least two sources to show your research and support your assertion.Submission Details:By Saturday, February 4, 2017, in a minimum of 300 words, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through Wednesday, February 8, 2017, review and comment on at least two of your classmates’ responses. Consider the following in your response:Provide a statement of clarification or a point of view with a rationale.Challenge a point of discussion or draw a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.Discussion Grading Criteria and RubricAll discussion assignments in this course will be graded using a rubric. This assignment is worth 40 points. Download the discussion rubric and carefully read it to understand the expectations. Use the Respond link to post responses and materials that pertain to this assignment. Use the Respond link beneath any existing postings to respond to them.

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