Prepare a table of historical influences and modern descriptions that identifies and explains five commonly used contemporary clinicalapproaches in psychotherapy in the treatment of mental illness

Prepare a table of historical influences and modern descriptions that identifies and explains five commonly used contemporary clinicalapproaches in psychotherapy in the treatment of mental illness. Your audience for this table is a class of graduate students who will use yourtable as a study guide as they learn the history of clinical psychology.Column 1 in your table of influences should present the commonly used name of the approach and a brief definition as well as one or two keyaspects of its practice today. Column 2 should list one or two of its principle theorists or founders with a few important details about who theywere and what they contributed. Column 3 should contain one or two individuals or traditions from history that influenced the development ofthe approach. Finally Column 4 should include a brief statement of your assessment of the efficacy of the approach. You can include a briefintroduction before the table and/or a brief conclusion after the table if you wish but a reference list is required.Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources other appropriate scholarlyresources including older articles may be included.Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages Use APA format.The attached documents have to be referenced.

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