Do women in intimate partner violence relationships experience spontaneous abortions as a result of violence?

Do women in intimate partner violence relationships experience spontaneous abortions as a result of violence?
Discussion of topic
Topic to be discuss in this research paper is Do women in intimate partner violence relationships experience spontaneous abortions as a result of violence?
Introduction of the PICO (patient- intervention-comparison-outcome) Question page
Which is Do women in intimate partner violence relationships experience spontaneous abortions as a result of violence?
Methods of article selection page
Table of evidence per article (tables will be provided) table per page. Five tables in total.
Literature review will be given to you
This literature still needs to be updated- do not rely on this information as it needs to be fixed.
Critique of evidence/ articles 2 pages
analyses/synthesis of articles Similarities and differences and show if these articles support the pico question. (As I have read these articles they overall support the question) I do not want to see a summary of literature review. Content in this part should be different from literature review. Mainly supporting evidence
Implementations for nursing 2 pages
How this information is important in nursing. I will be sending you a power point that gives examples. Do not transfer information exactly as it shown because that is plagiarism but you can paraphrase and use examples.
Conclusion page
Standard conclusion and provide a nursing point of view

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