Examine the financial impact and organizational process involved in adopting the new product

The product change i want to implement is changing from manual toothbrush to electric toothbrush in residents residing in long term care facilities especially the elderly. Emphasis needs o be on how switching from manual tooth brush to electric tooth brush will make a difference in oral care. Put in mind that oral hygiene is a window to general health
Product Change and Implementation
The cost of healthcare is an increasing concern within the US healthcare delivery system. Each health service organization expects increasing financial stewardship of all employees.
The student will select a product used within their practice setting. Search out existing alternative products and select one you believe would meet or exceed the utility of the currently used product. Examine the financial impact and organizational process involved in adopting the new product. The final product of this activity will be a formal paper.
Criteria for Grading Product Change and Implementation
Possible Points
Points Earned
Discuss of process for product change within you facility
Product Identification
-concerns about current product
-perceived benefits of alternative product
Financial Analysis
-cost comparison
-benefit/liability comparison
Implications for Nursing Practice
-propose strategy for adopting new product
-describe plan for implementing the new product into your practice area moving new production in to practice
Paper Format
-Use of APA format (paper and references)
-Appropriate use of citations
-Adherence to rules of grammar and punctuation
Total Points

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