Discuss the various issues defining the legal health record

Discuss the various issues defining the legal health record
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Discuss the various issues that should be considered by a healthcare organization when defining the legal health record.
B. Identify one situation from section 41-1-402 (2ad) of the attached Montana Code Annotated 2014 pertaining to the validity of a minor for health services which may result in criminal liability to the organization if the associated provision is not followed.
1. Using HIPAAs definition of criminal liability explain how the chosen situation may result in criminal liability to the organization if the associated provision is not followed.
C. Identify one situation from section 50-16-603x (17) of the attached Montana Code Annotated 2014 specific to health record identification that may result in a legal claim against the organization if the associated provision is not followed.
1. Explain how the chosen situation may result in a legal claim against the organization if the associated provision is not followed.
D. Compare three points from sections 50-16-540 541 or 542 of the attached Montana Code Annotated 2014 with what is stated in HIPAA laws as they refer to release of information.
Books: Health information management con principles and practice 4thed and Ethics case studies 2009 Grebner L.
This work does not require an intro or conclusion. You can just lay it out AB C ……

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