how many days of the week do you usually eat foods that are high in fat, salt or sugar (such as deep fried foods, hot chips, pies, pastries, chocolates, lollies, crisps etc)?

Internal Code: MAS 4591 Health and Well Being Questions: 1. Do you smoke? No (Go to question 2) Yes 1a. How keen are you to stop smoking? (please circle one) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not at all keen Very keen 2. How many serves of vegetables (including fresh, frozen and tinned vegetables) do you usually eat each day? 3. How many serves of fruit (including fresh, frozen and tinned fruit) do you usuallyeat each day? 4. How many days of the week do you usually eat foods that are high in fat, salt or sugar (such as deep fried foods, hot chips, pies, pastries, chocolates, lollies, crisps etc)? 5. DURING WORK HOURS, how many days of the week do you usually eat foods that are high in fat, salt or sugar (such as deep fried foods, hot chips, pies, pastries, chocolates, lollies, crisps etc)? 6. DURING WORK HOURS why do you eat these foods (see question 5) instead of a healthier option? 7. On average, during your normal WORKING DAY, how many glasses (250ml) of fluid (water, cordial, soft drink, juice, milk, coffee, tea) do you consume? 8. On average, during your normal WORKING DAY, how many glasses (250ml) of plain drinking water do you consume? 19 total views, 2 views today

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