Develop a management level white paper that discusses the following key points:

Human Reources Management-Healthcare
Review all of the material that we covered in the course this semester. This includes the discussion boards.
Develop a management level white paper that discusses the following key points:
The rewards system recruitment and selection processes appraisal systems and employee development systems must be integrated in order to: support the overall mission of the organization support
the culture that we espouse for our employees and customers; and to support my own needs as a manager.
As you look over the organization in which you currently work you should have identified examples of where this is happening and where it is not so apparent. (If y do not currently work in an
organization today focus on the last one in which you we employed.)
You recommend the following practices to senior management in the spirit of developing a highly strategic approach to human resources management
You should cite information from my CML 2140 course to support your assertions about the current state and your ideas and proposals for an improved state.
This whitepaper should be approximately five to seven pages in length. You are to use college level writing standards and you are to comply with APA formats. Articles used to support your
statements should be recent (since 2008). Please refer to your APA Manual as you prepare this exam.
You can leam more about white papers here.

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