An overview of how organizations in your nonprofit subsector are funded, including funding sources, trends, challenges, strengths

You must use the reference material provided in the assignment that I submitted. My Sector: This is My sector Social Services My Three Organization (These are the only three organizations that should be in the paper) 1. Valley of the Sun YMCA (Website Listed in assignment attachment) 2. Tempe Community Action Agency (Website Listed in assignment attachment) 3. Wildfire (Website Listed in assignment attachment) Details: Study and write about resource development in your selected/assigned nonprofit subsector. Include information about three public charities in your selected subsector that rely to some extent on grants or private contributions. These should be the same three nonprofits you have followed throughout the term, but your focus on these organizations may have led you to make some adjustments. This is okay. The nonprofits must be large enough to be required to file the long form 990. These should be organizations you know well, or ones you can get to know well in short order during the course. If none of those apply to you, pick prominent local or national nonprofits. Write a research paper (minimum of 3000 words not including attachments), which includes at least the following components: 1. An overview of how organizations in your nonprofit subsector are funded, including funding sources, trends, challenges, strengths. 2. Each of the organizations history, mission, programs and other information that would help readers understand the context for what they are working to achieve (this section should be no more than 500 words); 3. Description of the sources of funding for each of the organizations, including earned revenue (e.g., sales, memberships, admissions, fees), and unearned revenue (e.g., donations, grants, events). 4. Mechanisms used by the organizations to carry out their fundraisingtheir staffing (e.g., whether there are dedicated professional fundraising staff, volunteers, etc.) and the methods that the organizations use to solicit contributions (e.g., professional solicitors, direct mail, special events, online giving portals, giving expectations among board members, grants, etc.); 5. Role that grants and contributions play in the life of these organizations. Refer to Part VIII Statement of Revenue from a Form 990 to find the amount of contributions, gifts, grants and other similar amounts (Sections 1a-h). Put these numbers in context of other income streams, and especially the total revenues generated that year (line 12); 6. Efficiency of the organizations fundraising. Review Expenses Part I to see how much the organization paid professional solicitors for their service and the total fundraising expenses. Review all of column D of Part IX to see how much of each of the functional expenses is allocated to fundraising. Review the fundraising ratings on Charity Navigator. Discuss whether the allocations reflect your understanding of fundraising activities in these organizations and whether you think the fundraising is efficient (comparing fundraising cost vs. money raised); 7. Challenges that the organizations are facing, or faced in fundraising; and 8. Assessment of the effectiveness of the organizations resource development, what they do well, and opportunities for improvement. In addition to the above components, your paper can address topics that are relevant to fundraising in your organizations. You need to include an electronic link to or copy of the organizations most recent Form 990s, annual reports and/or other funding communications that inform your research. Example Template/Outline for Final Paper (can be structured in whatever way makes sense; this is one possible structure) Overview Introduction to your subsector as a whole o What organizations in this subsector generally do o An overview of how organizations in your nonprofit subsector are funded, including funding sources, trends, challenges, strengths (could reference Giving USA if it makes sense) o Themes in this subsector the common theme is X, the greatest challenge is X, what is your biggest finding(s) about this subsector o Here are three organizations that are a good example of the types of things happening in this subsector; the organizations have this in common, and they vary this way (in size, in types of clients served, in geography, etc.) Discussion of Your Three Organizations Describe Organization 1 o The organizations history, mission, programs and other information that would help a reader understand the context for what this organization is working to achieve (this section should be short) o Description of the sources of funding including earned revenue (e.g., sales, memberships, admissions, fees), and unearned revenue (e.g., donations, grants, events) o Mechanisms used by the organization to carry out its fundraisingstaffing (e.g., whether there are dedicated professional fundraising staff, volunteers) and the methods that the organization uses to solicit contributions (e.g., professional solicitors, direct mail, special events, online giving portals, giving expectations among board members, grants); o Role that grants and contributions play in the life of this organization. Refer to Part VIII Statement of Revenue from a Form 990 to find the amount of contributions, gifts, grants and other similar amounts (Sections 1a-h). Put these numbers in context of other income streams, and especially the total revenues generated that year (line 12) o Efficiency of the organizations fundraising. Review the organizations information on Charity Navigator. Review Expenses Part I to see how much the organization paid professional solicitors for their service and the total fundraising expenses. Review all of column D of Part IX to see how much of each of the functional expenses is allocated to fundraising. Discuss whether the allocations reflect your understanding of fundraising activities in this organization and whether you think the fundraising is efficient (comparing fundraising cost vs. money raised) o Challenges that the organization is facing, or faced in fundraising; and o Analysis and Recommendations — Assessment of the effectiveness of the organizations resource development, what it does well, opportunities for improvement. Describe Organization 2 Describe Organization 3 Compare and Contrast the Three Organizations Describe similarities, differences, and any other essential points of comparison Conclusions What does examination of these three organizations and other research about this subsector indicate? o Greates challenge(s) o Trends o Assets that help with resource development o What distinguishes those organizations who do well with resource development o Any overall recommendations Attachments — 990 for each organization; other material I need at least 10 sources, 5 that are attached and 5 additonal please

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