
Name: ______________________________________ Problems or errors impacting overall effectiveness1: Content/Argument ☐ Factual error(s) (4.2, 5.2, 5.11, 6.3, 7.3, 8.2, 9.6, 10.6) ☐ Significant omission(s) (4.4, 4.6, 5.8, 5.12, 6.6-6.7, 7.4, 9.8-9.9) ☐ Absent/underdeveloped argument/analysis (6.5-6.8, 11.4-11.5, 11.8-11.9) ☐ Insufficient evidence (5.8-5.9, 6.4, 9.8-9.9, 11.5) ☐ Unclear/incomplete reasoning (4.5, 5.6, 6.5-6.9, 8.6, 9.10-9.12) ☐ Logical errors (6.6, 6.9) ☐ Insufficient qualification (5.10.8, 6.8, 11.10) ☐ Missing counter-argument(s) or inadequate response (6.7, 11.9)

Mechanic s o f Using Sources ☐ Inappropriate sources (10.6-10.8) ☐ Misrepresentation of source(s) (4.4, 5.5, 5.8-5.9, 6.3-6.4, 8.3, 11.7, 11.10) ☐ Misidentification of source type (5.10.1, 9.2, 9.5, 10.4-10.6) ☐ Misidentification of source origin (author/date) (9.4, 10.4-10.6) ☐ Missing/inaccurate attribution(s) (5.9, 7.10, 9.15, 11.7) ☐ Uncontextualized quote(s) (8.2-8.3, 9.15, 11.7) ☐ Excessive quoting (5.9) ☐ Quote formatting errors (9.15, App 1.5) ☐ Incorrect citation(s) (10.10, Appendix 1.9) ☐ Missing citation(s) (7.10, 10.10)

Struc ture & Organizat ion ☐ Rambling, off-topic content (6.10) ☐ Unclear topic string/emphasis (8.9, 11.11) ☐ Unclear/inappropriate transitions (6.13) ☐ Sentence-level disorganization (8.9) ☐ Paragraph-level disorganization (6.10) ☐ Essay-level disorganization (4.7, 5.7, 6.8, 6.10, 8.8, 9.14, 11.11)

Sty l e & Clar i ty ☐ Generalization (4.7, 5.5, 5.7, 5.11, 6.9-6.10, 11.13) ☐ Vague language (4.7, 5.5, 5.9-5.12, 6.12, 8.9, 11.13) ☐ Repetition/Redundancy (5.11, 11.13) ☐ Register errors (elevated/colloquial/metadiscourse) (2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 5.10, 11.11) ☐ Inappropriate/inaccurate word choice (4.7, 5.10, 11.13) ☐ Excessive nominalizations / passive or empty verbs (5.10.7, 8.9) ☐ Verbal tics (4.7, 5.10.8-5.10.9, 11.13)

Grammar, Punctuat ion , Usage & Formatt ing ☐ Noun-verb agreement (A1.1) ☐ Verb tenses, historical present (6.14, A1.1-A1.2) ☐ Sentence fragments (A1.1) ☐ Prepositions or articles (A1.2) ☐ Plural vs. singular (A1.8) ☐ Pronouns or possessives (A1.2, A1.8) ☐ Commas (A1.3) ☐ Apostrophes (A1.3) ☐ Hyphens / dashes (A1.3) ☐ Periods/colons/semi-colons (A1.3) ☐ Spelling errors (A1.8) ☐ Usage convention violations (A1.7) ☐ Capitalization errors (A1.4) ☐ Title case/formatting errors (A1.6) ☐ File name / file format (8.12) ☐ Identifying info, date, essay title (8.7, 8.12) ☐ Margins, font, spacing, page numbering, pagination (7.9, 8.12, 11.15) ☐ Excessive typos / sloppiness

1 See the numbered sections of the Essential Guide to Writing for the History Classroom (EG) for definitions and examples of each problem. Use this list as a diagnostic tool to help you revise this essay or to recognize and prevent these errors in future essays.

Analytical Essay Assignment Expectations Rubric2: Expectation A B C D F

Clarity of position Evidence for position Reasoning for position Completeness Use of sources Use of counter-arguments Persuasiveness/originality Mechanics of Using Sources Structure & Organization Style & Clarity Grammar, Usage, Formatting Grade3: Notes:

2 See Essential Guide Ch. 6 for full explanations of all expectations. A=exceeds minimum expectations B=meets minimum expectations C=minimum expectations not fully met D=minimum expectations inadequately met F=failed to meet minimum expectations 3 Calculated holistically from the pattern of scores & severity/frequency of errors and problems. See Essential Guide 1.3 and 8.10.