Annotated Bibliography

After identifying potential sources for your Argument Analysis (Project Four), compile a list of 5 sources into an Annotated Bibliography. List your sources in alphabetical order, provide complete identifying information for each source, and compose a concise annotation for each source. These annotations should include summaries, quotations from your source, and/or supplementary information about the source (how helpful is it, what is the authors ethos and stance, does it provide background information, etc.). Format according to MLA standards.

The best use of sources is to create and analyze a conversation. The issue youre interested in is in a constant process of conversation: argument, negotiation, manipulation, etc. A very important part of this paper is to trace out these conversations and analyze them. To do so, you should consider your sources as full voices: they have a lot to say, and they have a lot of context, and they are making many, many choices with every move they make, and you have to bring all of that to our attention. New writers tend to obscure their sources, writing information as if they pulled it out of thin air. Experienced writers are much better at using names and talking and thinking about what theyre saying. They use verbs: Franks argues that, Frank supports his position by, Frank appeals to pathos here by stating, etc.

So, in this annotated bibliography, you can kick off that process by fully introducing the source and its context. What is this persons goal? What is this persons context? What is this persons rhetorical situation? And how do you plan to use this source to help you build the conversation?

You should have a good paragraph of writing under each source, working through this.