
Integrating a Commitment to Quality Improvement

The commitment to quality improvement can be integrated throughout all roles and all levels of professional nursing practice by learning and appreciating the critical needs of patients, the impact of their cultural diversity in health and quality of living, and the effects of behavioral events on the well-being of the people. The diverse facets of healthcare modeling can inform professional nurses about the critical need to have focused and evidence-based interventions that target quality improvement for the better growth of society. Kristen Swanson’s Theory of Caring underscores how nurses as professionals must strive to understand the meaning of an event in the life of their patients and focus on seeking cues that would guide them to give quality care (Masters, 2018). Continued interaction bears the individual sense of having a commitment to quality improvement with people of diverse needs and the learning of the key contributions of others to the care model.

Generally, the commitment to quality improvement must be enshrined within the values that will drive the professional growth trajectory of a nurse. The National League for Nursing identifies seven core values that are foundations for all nursing practice and can be used to integrate quality improvement into all levels of professional nursing practice. Those values include patient-centeredness, integrity, holism, excellence, ethics, diversity, and caring. The projects I have completed in this program have emphasized the essence of those values among others in nursing professional nursing practice and helped me appreciate how continuous quality improvement must become a critical component of professional nursing practice even in the future. 


Masters, K. (2018). Role development in professional nursing practice (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


It is great that you had the opportunity to participate in a QI project. How did you disseminate the findings of your QI project? Were the findings implemented into facility policy and procedure?

Dr. HS.

Disseminating New Evidence to Bedside Nurses

Most organizations that have embraced evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare disseminate new evidence to bedside nurses through electronic structures systems that integrate the function of nursing and other specialized sections of care. Hospitals have created a system that collects, analyzes, and filters information important for nurses before it is disseminated to them for appropriate action. There are several levels of evidence within the evidence-based toolkit, starting with a systematic review of randomized control trials to the opinion of authorities and experts in a given field (Dang et al., 2021). As patients are treated, they are continually subjected to studies and assessments that include a descriptive and qualitative analysis of their conditions against the available alternatives in medical practice. As the information is relayed electronically to bedside nurses, they can make informed decisions on the interventions they will apply for different patients with unique health challenges.

There has been an attempt in the most progressive organizations to promote evidence-based practice because it offers patients the best chances to recover and live a healthy life. The organization in which I have worked in the past has tried to promote excellence in education, care, and research as part of applying evidence in practice while using interprofessional teams to pass key information to nurses (Dang et al., 2021). The organization has a dedicated section of the care department that assesses the development of healthcare methodologies and reports to the hospital staff, including nurses, on the best approaches to the same. The pyramid of evidence must become a key component of organizational care practice for evidence-based practice to be perfectly entrenched into the working paradigm of the organization. Generally, for nurses to apply evidence in their practice, they must be informed when new evidence comes up, which is why dissemination of such


Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines, fourth edition (4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.


I am sure you have seen a lot in many clinical settings. How will what you have experienced contribute to your nursing practice and make a difference for your patients?

Dr. HS.