Applied Sciences Assignment 7= Question #2



She wasn’t considering what a big risk I took to help her. She knew that if her mother found out about this, I would be in more trouble than she. Peanut was younger than I was, so I was responsible for her behavior. And I was scared of what Old Aunt and New Aunt would do.

Of course, you probably don’t understand this kind of thinking, how I could be in trouble for Peanut, why I was scared. In China back then, you were always responsible to somebody else. It’s not like here in the United States freedom, independence, individual thinking, do what you want, disobey your mother. No such thing. Nobody ever said to me, “Be good, little girl, and I will give you a piece of candy.” You did not get a reward for being good, that was expected. But if you were bad your family could do anything to you, no reason needed.

  • List and explain the 4 components of Confucius Dynamism.
  • Relate this scenario to the theory–which component is most related and why–be SPECIFIC.