Applying Theory to Practice

Write an essay, a type of Case Study, in which you consider a student and compare that student to others in the class in the areas of cognitive, moral, and psychosocial development. An exemplary essay will consider all of the below and meet all described when graded on the .Identify one student in one of your classes who performs BELOW the appropriate level of cognitive development for the level of students you teach. Reflect on this students behaviors and abilities and write an essay in which you address the following:

Questions to Answer in Your Essay

  1. According to Piagets theory, which cognitive developmental area does your student belong, and at which level is the student currently performing? Is your student below the appropriate level of moral or psychosocial development as well?
  2. What evidence from this students behaviors or abilities helps you understand the level of functioning? (In other words, how do abilities and behaviors help you answer Question 1?) Answer this question by comparing and contrasting this student with others in his / her class:
    1. How are his/ her abilities or behaviors atypical of other students in the class cognitively?
    2. Are there extenuating circumstances that cause this student to be behind his/her peers cognitively, morally, or psychosocially?
    3. What do the theorist materials tell you about how these circumstances might affect development in any of the three areas?
  3. Based on this students abilities or behaviors and the what you have learned from PACE materials and your own teaching:
    1. Which instructional strategies would best help the student reach the appropriate level of development?
    2. What differentiation, modification, or accommodation would help this student succeed?

Essay Requirements:

  1. Format:
    • uncheckedUse 12-point Times New Roman or Georgia font.
    • uncheckedDouble-space your paper
    • uncheckedSet one-inch margins.
    • uncheckedYour paper should be at least three pages, but no longer than five (not including the Works Cited page)
  2. Use standard English grammar, spelling, and conventions.
  3. Include an introduction in which you:
    • uncheckedIntroduce the student. Do not use the students real name. Refer to the student as Student or use a pseudonym.
    • uncheckedDescribe the class (subject, level, age group) you are teaching in which this student is enrolled.
    • uncheckedList your theory of the students cognitive, moral, and psychosocial developmental level. This will serve as your thesis.
  4. Include three body paragraphs in which you explain answers to all parts of question two. Each paragraph should address a different type of development (cognitive, moral, and psychosocial) and at what stage the students development exists. Each paragraph should include:
    • uncheckedA description of the appropriate developmental level based on the lesson materials
    • uncheckedA description of the students behaviors and abilities as they relate to their peers (all parts of question 2)
    • uncheckedReferences to lesson materials
      • It is very important that you refer to lesson resources, especially summarizing developmental stages, when explaining your answers to the questions with in-text citations or expressions like some of the phrases below:
        • According to the theory,
        • Based on the article,
        • Information from the videos indicated
        • In her recorded lecture, the instructor in the video explained
      • In-text citations and sentence starters help explain which lesson materials you used and how
        • See on properly referencing materials
  5. Include an additional body paragraph in which you:
    • uncheckedDescribe 3 instructional strategies or differentiation, modifications, or accommodations you would use to help this student
    • uncheckedExplain how the instructional strategies, differentiation, modifications, and accommodations would assist the student based on what you learned in the lessons or based on your work with students or experience
    • uncheckedInclude references to lesson materials
    • uncheckedProperly format in-text citations
  6. Include a conclusion in which you:
    • uncheckedRestate the thesis
    • uncheckedReview the main points
    • uncheckedInclude a (brief) plan of action for the student
    • uncheckedExtend the readers thinking about this student
  7. Include a works cited page (using , already formatted for you):
    • uncheckedList ONLY the resources and materials you used in your paper
      • Do not list all the resources in the link above in your works cited page
      • ONLY copy/pasted resources from the list that you referenced in-text citations in your paper