
Questions: Midterm for INST560


Prof. Aliakbar Jalali

Midterm Exam 20% of overall grade


INST560 – Internet of Things Winter 2023 – UoNA

Due by: 11:55 PM EST on Saturday FEB 4, 2023.

Your Name: Miguel Eduardo Palacios Morataya

Please note:

Midterm exam is a piece of academic task for this class. It provides an opportunity for students to learn, practice and demonstrate they have achieved their learning goals. It provides evidence for the teacher that the students have achieved their goals.

This is an important exam with a 20% overall grade! You are not allowed to receive help from anyone to complete this assignment. Also, you are not allowed to directly copy and paste your answers from any other source including from the Internet as that is a violation of the school policy and is considered cheating and will result in receiving a grade of zero for the assignment.


· Midterm covers Lectures 1 to 5 and documents posted on Moodle.

· You must work on this file! Please return this file to me via Moodle as soon as you it. (don’t convert to pdf or another format).

· Add your name on the top of this page and rename this file as INST560Mid_ yourname, then submit it on Moodle ( Important: you will lose 5 points if you do not follow the rules). 

· If you think a question is unclear, mark what you think is the best answer. As always, I will consider written regrade requests if your interpretation of a question differs from what I intended.

Your Answers Sheet for Part 1

Set on letter A, B, C, D or F and T for correct answer in table









































Part 1 (80 points):

1. One of the IoT Security challenges is low-power connectivity solution to implement new security technologies, this is an area where cellular IoT is particularly valuable.

a. True b. False

2. The most popular option for solution to IoT Coverage challenge now is:

a. Wi-Fi

b. Satellite

c. Cellular

d. Sigfox

3. IoT Bandwidth availability Challenge is related to thousands of connected devices in relatively proximity. As we continue adding billions of new devices, the RF spectrum will grow increasingly crowded. Signal interference and the availability of bandwidth are something manufacturers need to be aware of.

a. True b. False

4. Which one is NOT the main IoT challenge?

a. Installation

b. Connectivity

c. Security

d. Power consumption

5. Embedded system involves a complex system which may consist of multiple sensors, actuators, protocols, data management layer and more.

a. Trueb. False

6. Gateways can preprocess data from the sensors before sending it to the cloud, in other words, they maximized the large volumes of data ‘sensed’ in the previous stage.

a. Trueb. False

7. Main purpose of IoT solutions is to provide and act on past information, there needs to be a component that can handle enormous amounts of data to cater to the time-sensitive nature of the IoT model, this is where cloud systems come into play. 

a. Trueb. False

8. How IoT Work: First, sensors or devices collect data from their environment. Next, that data is sent to the cloud. Once the data gets to the cloud, hardware performs processing on it. Next, the information is made useful to the end-user in some way.

a. True b. False

9. Which of the following is not an actuator in IoT?a) Stepper motorb) A fanc) An LEDd) Arduino

10. Which of the following isn’t among of the core techniques that Artificial intelligence (AI) uses.

a. Machine Learning,

b. Deep Learning,

c. Smart Vision

d. Computer Vision

11. Getting value from big data in IoT requires

a. big data analytics

b. big data storages

c. big company to handle.

d. None of above

12. What is IoT? (Which of the following is correct).

a. It's just a marketing team for the Internet.

b. A network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity.

c. A collection of websites

d. A series of physical "things" embedded with electronics.

13. The huge numbers of devices connected to the Internet of things have to communicate automatically, not via humans. What is this called? (Which of the following is correct)

a. Machine to Machine (M2M)

b. Bot to Bot (B2B)

c. Skynet

d. Internet of Things

14. The Internet of Things puts high demands on data management for

a. Big data streaming from sensors

b. Small data streaming from sensors

c. Big data streaming from networks

d. Small data streaming from Internet

15. The IoT market has made oversize by: ……….

a. Growing potential of the related Technologies

b. Growing potential in various applications

c. Growing use by industries

d. All the above

16. Growing use of advanced analytics due to amazing volumes of data from connected devices are related to: ………. (Which of the following is wrong)

a. Machine learning

b. Internet

c. Artificial intelligent

d. Innovative knowledges

17. Two IoT-based services applications are projected to form the biggest economic impact in year 2025, they are: ……

a. Banking and securities

b. Government and utilities

c. Healthcare and manufacturing

d. Real state and agriculture

18. Major Advantages of IoT in the business world are: ……….

a. Gain efficiency.

b. Employ intelligence from equipment.

c. Enhance operations and boost customer satisfaction.

d. All the above

19. Three main advantages of IoT that will impact every business are including: ………

a. Communication, cost savings and people

b. Communication, cost savings and control

c. Communication, workers, and control

d. Sensors, cost savings and control

20. Which of the following isn’t among the 4 key concepts of IoT? ………





21. IoT implementations use different technical communications models, each with its own characteristics. common communications models described by the Internet Architecture Board include: (which of the following is wrong) …….

a. Device-to-Internet

b. Device-to-Cloud

c. Device-to-Gateway

d. Back-End Data-Sharing

22. Three major challenges facing IoT are: (which of the following is Correct) ….

a. Internet, Business and Security

b. Technology, Cost and Skill

c. Technology, Business and Society

d. Skill, Business and Security

23. IoT hardware may be contained: (which of the following is wrong) …….

a. Cloud 

b. Raspberry Pi

c. Sensor

d. Gateway

24. The more important shift in IoT security will come from the fact: (which of the following is wrong) …….

a. That IoT will become more ingrained in our lives.

b. That IoT will become more embedded in our educations,

c. Concerns will no longer be limited to the protection of sensitive information and assets.

d. Our very lives and health can become the target of IoT hack attacks,

25. One of the most important IoT connectivity challenge is: ………

a. Connecting so many devices

b. Connecting so many people

c. Connecting so many clouds

d. Connecting so many gateways

26. When IoT networks grow to join billions and hundreds of billions of devices, what will be major problem? ………

a. Cloud systems will turn into a bottleneck,

b. Decentralized systems will turn into a bottleneck,

c. Centralized systems will turn into a bottleneck,

d. Computational systems will turn into a bottleneck,

27. IoT connectivity challenge is important, such systems with large amounts of information exchange will require: (which of the following is Correct) ….

a. Huge investments

b. Maintaining cloud servers that can handle such, and

c. Entire systems can go down if the server becomes unavailable,

d. All the above

28. The future of IoT will very much have to depend on …….

a. Decentralizing IoT networks

b. Centralizing IoT networks

c. G5 based IoT networks,

d. Cloud networks

29. IoT technology standards include: (which of the following is Correct) …….

a. Network protocols,

b. communication protocols

c. Internet protocol

d. A and b

30. Why is standardization important with the IoT? ………

a. To lower the price of products and make them affordable for the public,

b. To ensure that products and networks can communicate with each other over the same protocols,

c. To ensure all vendors create sustainable and long-lasting products,

d. This is a trick question – there are hundreds of standards and that's fine,

31. What is the last stage in IoT implementation? …….

a. Is getting data for servers,

b. Is extracting insights from data for analysis,

c. Is obtaining data from cloud,

d. Is separating data for users,

32. The design of the IoT is requires the understanding of embedded: …….

a. Skill, software, Things, network, and data processing

b. Internet, Hardware, sensors, gateways, and data analyses

c. Electronics, software, sensors, network, and data analytics

d. Electronics, protocol, hardware, network, and data analytics

33. How it works-step by step: (Which one is correct?) ……

a. First Step: Sensor Data goes toward the Gateway,

b. Second Step: Data from Gateway goes to the Cloud,

c. Third Step: From the Cloud this Data can be forwarded to sensor,

d. a and b correct

34. How it works-step by step: (Which one is correct?) ……

a. First Step: Sensor Data goes toward the Actuator,

b. Second Step: Data from Gateway goes to the Cloud,

c. Third Step: From the Cloud this Data can be forwarded to sensor,

d. Fourth step: From User to sensor

35. Which of the following sentences is correct? ……

a. Sensor computing will be a major part of IoT, especially by making all the connected devices work together.

b. Sensor networking will be a major part of IoT, especially by making all the connected devices work together.

c. Cloud computing will be a major part of IoT, especially by making all the connected devices work together.

d. Local computing will be a major part of IoT, especially by making all the connected devices work together.

36. The Major Communication Layers in IoT Simple schematic are: …….

a. Device to Device (D2D) Communication Layer

b. Device to Server (D2S) Communication Layer

c. Server to Server (S2S) Communication Layer

d. All the above

37. What means by IoMT: …….

a. Internet of Medical Things

b. Internet of Molecular Things

c. Internet of Material Things

d. Internet of Manufacturing Things

38. IoT Applications Domain in Health involve: (which of the following is Wrong) ….

a. Tracking

b. Saving time

c. Data collection

d. Sensing

39. Manufactures are using (IIoT): (which of the following is Wrong) …….

a. For supply chain to delivery

b. For competition with other manufactures,

c. For process and product data,

d. For big data analytics and predictive modeling

40. Manufactures are using (IIoT): (which of the following is Wrong) …….

a. For prevent defects and downtime,

b. For maximize equipment performance,

c. For equipment’s costs,

d. For boost production yield and enhance the customer experience.

Part 2 (20 points): Questions: Based on the given link in each question, write your answer (50-100 words) from the given link.

Q1: Why power consumption is one of the most critical issues when designing IoT devices. Give 3 reasons.

Ans: See link

Q2: How does IoT influence the development of smart cities?

Ans: See Link

Add your name on the top of this page and rename this file as CYBR501Mid_ yourname, then submit it on Moodle (Important: you will lose 5 points if you do not follow the rules).