Barriers & Diversity

Part 1

Select one of the podcasts below regarding barriers:

 Episode 66: Theme Parks and Accessibility –

 Episode 57: Inclusive Healthy Community and the ADA –

 Episode 58: Beach Access –

 Episode 9: Accessible Play Areas –

 Episode 7: Access to Pools –

Answer the following questions:

  1. List 3 main points that the podcast discussed.
  2. What barriers were discussed in regard to making the recreation are discussed accessible to all?
  3. What are 2 specific areas within your community that you could make an impact in regard to removing barriers? (Programmatic, Psychological, or Architectural)

Part 2

John Scalzi wrote an entry titled on his Blog Whatever back in 2005 where to offered over 60 examples of what it means to be poor. Visit the entry and select 5 examples that Scalzi gave and write your reaction to those 5. Please list and number (1-5) the example and then write your reaction. Then answer the following questions:

  1. As leisure professionals, why do we need to address about this barrier?
  2. What would you tell your children if you could not afford to enroll them in baseball, ballet, camp, or swimming lessons?


1. Goodwill underwear – Fortunately I have never had to purchase underwear from Goodwill before. However, I am not going to lie my initial reaction was that’s a little gross. As a parent, I would do anything for my children, so if that was the only way we could have clothes then so be it.