briefly presents the essential points or conclusions in not more than 150 words. The abstract should be complete in itself,

Papers are to be typed1 electronically, double spaced, and not less than five (5) nor more than eight (8) 8-1/2 by 11 inch pages (excluding references), with one and one-half (1 & 1/2) inch margins on all sides. Papers may be submitted only in Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, or Adobe PDF format.
Organize the paper as follows:
a. Abstract: Number this page 1. Abstract is to be by itself, on a separate page headed by the title of the paper. The abstract is a summary of the paper which briefly presents the essential points or conclusions in not more than 150 words. The abstract should be complete in itself, and include such things as purpose, findings, procedures, etc.
b. Text: Number the first page of text page 2. Internal subsections of text can follow without pause. The text of the paper should begin with an introduction section. Other subsections can follow as the topic requires.
c. References: References are used to support statements of fact, to indicate sources of information, or to guide readers to further information. Be careful to make clear in the text the reason for a specific citation (i.e., do not imply support of a statement of fact by citing a reference that simply addresses the issue.) Cite only sources that you have actually consulted and evaluated. Cite original, peer-reviewed journal articles in preference to textbooks, review articles, abstracts editorials or letters. A MINIMUM OF FIVE CITATIONS TO FIVE DIFFERENT, RELEVANT, PEER-REVIEWED PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL ARTICLES PUBLISHED WITHIN THE LAST 5 YEARS ARE REQUIRED. (See accompanying list of approved journals.)
The first reference you cite is Reference 1, the next is Reference 2, etc. After the first citation of a reference, use its original number if you cite it again later. Cite references by superscript, using Arabic numerals.

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