Business policy powerpoint pitch

Learning Goal: I’m working on a powerpoint presentation and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Hello, I need the presentation and speech for my Business Policy class. It is 5-minute pitch about “Company’s unicorn”. I will send my previous presentation. My unicorn for this pitch is: Prime Medicine company (i took this company from this site

Your 5-minute pitch should include:

Reminder of the industry you presented

Description of your unicorn — what it does, who funds it, its target market

EC: estimated TAM or international competitive strategy

What problem it is solving and its unique value proposition

The top two value drivers and top two cost drivers for your unicorn

Where you think it sits in Porter’s model of competitive strategies.

Here’s what your grade will be based on:

Knowledge of the company and its business model (30%)

Depth/accuracy of discussion of the required elements in the previous bullet (40%)

Professionalism: Reference sources in your comments as well as on the slides, No typos or GSP errors in your slides, One chart per slide, Follow the rule of 7, Easy-to-read, attractive slides with clear graphics relevant to making your points, Tell me how you used AI to build your pitch