Category: Chemical Engineering

Problem statement

The problem statement: 1 pt A diagram with relevant streams and labels: 2 pts List of known and unknown parameters and variables: 2 pts Clear and explicit units and unit conversions: 3 pts List of the governing equations: 3 pts Mention of assumptions (e.g., steady-state, isothermal, constant density): 2 pts Step-by-step approach from governing equations […]

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Designing a vacuum pan crystalizer

Hello Please do not participate unless you are sure 100% you know how to do it. I need someone who knows how to design a vacuum pan crystallizer for raw sugar plant. I have material balance and energy balance around the equipment. Designing an equipment means calculate specific things like height, length, flooding velocity and […]

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Hi I need annotated bibliography for three sources

Learning Goal: I’m working on a chemical engineering report and need support to help me learn. Hi I need the full annotated biblography for three sources in MBR technology We plan on studying Membrane bio-reactor Technology. Membrane bioreactor (MBR)technology is an advanced wastewater treatment process that integrates biological treatment withmembrane filtration. In MBR systems, microorganisms […]

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