Category: Social Science – Philosophy


What is your gut reaction, if any, to Singers depiction of the treatment of veal calves and chickens on the modern industrialized farm? Did his article change your attitude toward the treatment of animals? Why or why not? 2. How would Kants ethical perspective on the moral status of animals compare or contrast with Singers? […]

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Write a critique. Critique should be at least one and a half to two typed pages in length. Critique must contain: 1. at least one paragraph about the major theme 2. at least one paragraph about new ideas or terms 3. a personal statement concerning your overall reaction to the reading 4. any question(s) that […]

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. Which of the two readings seemed to resonate more with your own experience or gut feelings Englishs or Yutangs? Why? There are subtle social/cultural presuppositions that we may be unaware of that influence our ethical decision making. It is philosophy that forces us to question those presuppositionsthat is living the examined life, so that […]

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. Your parents gave you up for adoption at a young age, because at the time they had you they were young and had little in the way of financial resources. They thought that your being adopted by well-educated parents with financial security would be in your best interests. Thirty years have passed and by […]

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If you were to write an epitaph on your own tombstone, based on your character and integrity in your life, how would it read for all to see? Explain your tombstone, by indicating in bullet points, key events in your life which demonstrate integrity or the lack of it. 2. In your opinion, if given […]

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When supported with education, a person’s integrity can give him something to rely on when his perspective seems to blur, when rules and principles seem to waiver, and when he’s faced with hard choices of right or wrong.” –James Stockdale Answer the following questions accordance with the Open Dialogue instructions: 1.Is it important to have […]

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What is your gut reaction, if any, to Singers depiction of the treatment of veal calves and chickens on the modern industrialized farm? Did his article change your attitude toward the treatment of animals? Why or why not? How would Kants ethical perspective on the moral status of animals compare or contrast with Singers? Explain […]

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We have been talking of ethics in connection with living the good life from Module 1 onwards. Take a moment now to look back at your life and describe some of the best and the worst times so far. How did vices and virtues in you or in others around you factor in towards a […]

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. Why does Segal introduce this quote by T.S. Eliot: Humankind cannot bear very much reality? Explain your answer. Use examples from the article My Grandfathers Walking Stick.  Kant enumerates several natural and devilish vices. How do you think Kant would view lying as discussed by Segal and gossip as discussed by Bok? Would he […]

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