Category: Sociology

Watch the film, Modern Times by Charles Chaplin

As you watch it, note scenes that reflect concepts or observations about modern, industrial society made by Marx/Engels, Durkheim/Gans, and Weber/Ritzer. Assignment: Imagine that, following a showing of Chaplins Modern Times, Marx, Engels, Durkheim, Gans, Weber, and Ritzer discuss the film. For each pair of scholarsMarx/Engels, Durkheim/Gans, and Weber/Ritzeridentify two major observations they would make […]

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Module 9 Discussion

Tasks: Note: You should turn in written work only to this discussion or to the other discussion board on mental health in a U.S subculture. (Pick one discussion to participate in.) You must post before you will see anyone else’s posts. 1/Original post After watching the lecture video and reading your required readings for the […]

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Sociology Question

TASKS: Write a short paper or audio recording (8 mins max) of at least 350 words and three paragraphs that do the following: 1/ In the first paragraph, analyze your answers to the brainstorm activity from video lecture Part 1. 2/ In the second paragraph, analyze the three videos about Heaven’s Gate in light of […]

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Discussion Prompt

There are countless cases of discriminatory practices within organizations that privilege employees on the basis of race or gender. Research such a case and present some of the pertinent details, then on the basis on our weekly readings and your research, describe how you’d attempt to rewrite the organization’s rules in order to emphasize the […]

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Hello, I need to help with my portfolio, this is all the information I think you need to finish it. Please let me know in you need anything, I want it to be perfect as it can !! NOTE : my major is Nursing. this is the instructions you needed to do the portfolio, please […]

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My logic model from last week with the professors feedback underneath. Please read it and do this weeks discussion based on this logic model. Edited by on Mar 28 at 11:21pm Jane Patricia Yank PROFESSOR FEEDBACK SO FIX LOGIC MODEL ACCORDINGLY AND DO THE ASSIGNMENT BELOW FOR THIS WEEKS DISCUSSION. IT IS DUE WEDNESDAY MORNING […]

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Business Plan, Theory of Change Model, & Executive Summary

FILL OUT THE TEMPLATES ATTACHED ACCORDING TO THESE INSTRUCTIONS Individual Assignment #1A: Draft Business Plan, Theory of Change Model, & Executive Summary for a Social Enterprise or Nonprofit (Draft Grant Application Packet) (5 – 10 pp., single- or double-spaced, 10-12 size font). Under this assignment, you’ll be asked to propose a new social enterprise or […]

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Sociology Question

Pick a sociological topic and find 5 reliable sources, tell me 3 interesting facts and/or things strengthen your argument for your topic that you learn from each source (remember to keep a sociological lens!), and must include proper citations (this includes in-text as well as a full citation you would find in a works cited […]

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race power of illusion

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this. Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since […]

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Sociology Question

For this assignment, you will need to review the agenda and public presence of a white nationalist or right-wing populist organization in the United States, and analyze their rhetoric, positions, and ideological frames. Your analysis should be based on review of their web, social media, and media presence. Your analysis should be a minimum of […]

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