Category: Sociology

Generative AI Analysis Brief

We considered it in conjunction with social media activism. Construct a prompt that will get ChatGPT to summarize the main takeaway from our topic, and then feed it to ChatGPT. Your submission should include both the prompt and the resulting output. The prompt above is asking about something specific, but is stated in a deliberately […]

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Sociology Question

The video should be about the concept of intersectionality, as the web page is going to talk about how one can use intersectionality to understand the treatment of some islanders – The seminar today was an instruction of how to usean adobe tool to make graphics for a film, i think lookthrough that as that […]

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Last Discussion

Look-up and research a topic related to anything having to do with the Earth system. Your post should cover: Background info on your topic and how it relates to the Earth system What was newsworthy about your topic and what the findings mean (e.g., does it change how we thought something worked, did we discover […]

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Newsletter Feedback

Once you have completed your newsletter you must send the newsletter to 3 people outside the course and solicit their feedback. Feedback should comment on multiple aspects of your newsletter and hopefully be constructive. It often helps to ask your reviewers specific questions. For example: What is your overall impression of the newsletter? What do […]

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soc 120 ve

Blog #1: Sociological Frameworks & Theories For this first blog post assignment, you will introduce your topic and describe how at least one sociological theory or framework can be used to understand your topic. You will also read your group’s blog posts and provide feedback as well as a self-assessment. To do so, please do […]

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soc 120 ve

Blog #1: Sociological Frameworks & Theories For this first blog post assignment, you will introduce your topic and describe how at least one sociological theory or framework can be used to understand your topic. You will also read your group’s blog posts and provide feedback as well as a self-assessment. To do so, please do […]

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Sociology Question

You need to bring in terms, concepts, and theories from lecture, readings, and videos. Make sure to reference which readings and videos are used in your reflection – either in-text or listed at the end (not part of 2-page count). Your submission can be written as informal prose such as stream of consciousness, however you […]

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Week 2 Sustainable Development Goals

Prepare: In this discussion post, you will examine one of the best-known intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), the United Nations (UN), which was founded in 1945 and currently has 193 Member States. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy […]

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sociology discussion

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need support to help me learn. In Chapter 8, “The Environment: Pollution,” Hite and Seitz (2021) discuss the existing tension between development and the environment. Development brings economic growth as well as social and environmental changes. To a developing country, economic growth may be of […]

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Weekly Memo 9

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. The class is a sociology class that relates to Asian community and migration (for background) 2 page double spaced paper about the two readings attached at the bottom. DO NOT USE CHAT GPT OR ANY AI […]

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