Category: Sociology


Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. You are tasked with making an informational newsletter pertaining to 6 topics for someone with a high school education. Examples: I have some Newsletter examples from an upper division Microbiology course and so the topics are […]

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Sociology Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Transgenderism in sports today has created a firestorm of controversy. So, what is the solution that protects the rights of all involved and maintains the sacred honor of fair play in sports. 1. Read the following […]

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Sociology Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology report and need support to help me learn. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS AND NO PLAGIARISM Overview The United Nations has continued to retain you as a consultant for a project that deals with climate and the environment. Most developed countries see the dangers of releasing too much carbon dioxide into […]

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presentation and slides

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. C. State of Technology in the Organization:Describe the current state of technology in your field agency. What are the areas and functions the technology is designed to address in your agency? What are strengths and weaknesses […]

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. The topic is social media impacts. read the pdf s I temp Step 1: Write a sociological qualitative research question based on your research topic from Unit 1. Step 2: Draft an ethnographic interview guide pretending you […]

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2 200-300 word summary for article

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. I have attached two articles write two separate summary that come up to at least 200 words. Keep the two separate on different documents as they are not related. Use commas properly. End a subordinate clause […]

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Analysis memo

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. The class is a sociology class that relates to Asian community and migration (for background) 2 page double spaced paper about the two readings attached at the bottom. DO NOT USE CHAT GPT OR ANY AI […]

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Social worker slide for a presentation

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology question and need guidance to help me learn. Social worker slide for a presentation it need to be very detailed I need enough for a 10 mns presentation You will choose to focus your work in this assignment on either family or group therapy. I recognize that at […]

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Homework 3

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Turn in answers to the italicized, blue questions for credit. Use complete sentences and fully explain your answers. Please do this in a separate word document (I included a Word document with just the table and […]

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