


Action Research Study Report

Insert your Name Here

School of Public Service and Education,

Research Design for Practitioners

Insert the Instructor’s Name Here

Insert the Due Date Here (Month, Day, Year)

[Writing Instructions]

[This assignment needs be written in the third person voice. Do not write in the first-person voice (I . . .). There should be none of you and your voice in this assignment or the course project. However, for those questions that ask you your opinion or how something applies to your Applied Improvement Project, you can answer in the first-person voice. Do not use awkward language such as The researcher . . . or The learner when referring to yourself. Do not refer to yourself unless you are answering those questions that ask you your opinion or how something applies to your potential Applied Improvement Project (AIP). Do not write in the second person voice (writing that uses the language you or your).]

[Always present the study and other literature with past tense verbs (APA 7th ed. section 4.12 pp. 117-118); for example: Mostofo and Zambo (2015) conducted . . . Scholarly writing is meant to be read and interpreted literally. Therefore, please avoid slang, colloquialisms, anthropomorphisms, and conversational writing (refer to APA 7th ed. pp. 113-125). Instead, be clear, precise, and accurate in your writing.]