CHE315 Give a brief description of the principal types and features in the following Chemistry journals listed.

Libraries are almost as essential a resource for research in Chemistry as are laboratories. In order to help you familiarize yourself with the literature of analytical chemistry, one of the requirements of this course will be periodic assignments answerable only after a trip to the library.

Briefly describe the principal types of articles and features in the following journals. It should be mentioned the articles/journals authors, publish year, version, reason for existing, intended audience and comparison to the other journals. By types of articles, it is meant such things as: research papers; reviews; specific, detailed analytical methodologies; fundamental articles on theory, instrumentation, rapidly published works, and full papers. By feature, it is meant, among other things: articles on reviews; meeting notices, etc. Base your description on a survey conducted over the past three months of journal issues. For each, provide a statement of your opinion of the overall value of each, i.e., required reading for all analytical chemists; useful only for the specialist; articles not of the highest caliber, etc.

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

Journal of Chromatography

Journal of the American Chemical Society