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Module 9: The Autistic Mind Finally Speaks: Letterboard Thoughts -Or- Ido In Autismland Reflection

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After reading the autism novel of your choice, reflect on your thoughts and ideas to deepen your understanding of the novel. Consider the following questions to complete each reflection:

  1. What is the message of this book and do you agree or disagree with it?
  2. What part of the story told by the book was the most powerful and why?
  3. If you could ask a character in this book a question, what would it be?
  4. Did any of the characters in this book make you angry? Why?
  5. Did you come away from reading the book feeling that it provided an honest and respectful treatment of a person with a disability?
  6. Do you think the book offered any strategies for how a person without a disability can/should interact with a person with a disability?
  7. Why do you think the author chose to tell this story? Explain your reasons.
  8. Would you recommend this book to a friend? Explain your reasons.
  9. I changed my attitude about
  10. I became more aware of
  11. I was surprised about
  12. I felt
  13. I related to
  14. I empathized with