create: Probit Logit Tables, Mean and Coefficient tables.

The Research paper is the paper that we have to follow same structure but using our own data.

Example R script below

# Probit and Logit Models

# Outline:

# Probit and logit models

# Predicted probabilities

# Marginal effects

# Pseudo R-squared

# Percent correctly predicted

# Data files:

# MROZ.csv

# setup

rm(list = ls())

directory <- “C:/Econometrics/DataR/”

# Install packages

PackageNames <- c(“tidyverse”, “stargazer”, “magrittr”, “margins”, “caret”)

for(i in PackageNames){

if(!require(i, character.only = T)){

install.packages(i, dependencies = T)

require(i, character.only = T)



# Probit and logit models ————————————————

# Model of being in labor force for women

MROZ <- read.csv(paste0(directory, ‘MROZ.csv’))

MROZ %>% select(inlf, nwifeinc, educ, exper, age, kidslt6) %>% str

MROZ %>% select(inlf, nwifeinc, educ, exper, age, kidslt6) %>% head(10)

MROZ %>% select(inlf, nwifeinc, educ, exper, age, kidslt6) %>% stargazer(type = “text”)

count(MROZ, inlf)

# Linear probability model (LPM)

LPM <- lm(inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + age + kidslt6, MROZ)


# Probit model

Probit <- glm(formula = inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + age + kidslt6,

family = binomial(link = “probit”),

data = MROZ)


# Logit model

Logit <- glm(formula = inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + age + kidslt6,

family = binomial(link = “logit”),

data = MROZ)


# Predicted probabilities ————————————————-

# Predicted probabilities for LPM

MROZ %<>% mutate(inlfhat_lpm = fitted(LPM))

# Predicted probabilities for probit model

MROZ %<>% mutate(inlfhat_probit = fitted(Probit))

# Predicted probabilities for logit model

MROZ %<>% mutate(inlfhat_logit = fitted(Logit))

# Summarize predicted values for inlf

MROZ %>% select(inlf, inlfhat_lpm, inlfhat_probit, inlfhat_logit) %>%

stargazer(type = “text”)

MROZ %>% select(inlf, inlfhat_lpm, inlfhat_probit, inlfhat_logit) %>%


MROZ %>% select(inlf, inlfhat_lpm, inlfhat_probit, inlfhat_logit) %>%

.[601:605, ]

# Marginal effects ——————————————————–

# Linear probability model (LPM)



# Coefficients are marginal effects in a linear model

# Probit model


Mean <- model.frame(Probit) %>%

map_df(mean) # mean of independent variables

# Probit – marginal effect at the mean

Probit.atmean <- margins(Probit, at = Mean)


# Probit – average marginal effect

Probit.AME <- margins(Probit)


# Logit model


# Logit – marginal effect at the mean

Logit.atmean <- margins(Logit, at = Mean)


# Logit – average marginal effect

Logit.AME <- margins(Logit)


# Pseudo R-squared ——————————————————–

# Probit model – unrestricted model with all variables


# Probit model – unrestricted model with all variables

ur.model <- Probit


# Log-likelihood for unrestricted model

(LLur <- logLik(ur.model))

# Probit restricted model with only constant

r.model <- glm(inlf ~ 1, binomial(link = “probit”), data = MROZ)


# Log-likelihood for model with only constant

(LL0 <- logLik(r.model))

# Calculate pseudo R-squared

(pseudo_r2 <- 1 – LLur/LL0)

# Percent correctly predicted ———————————————

# Percent correctly predicted for probit model

(Probit.pred <- (fitted(Probit) > 0.5) %>% as.numeric %>% as.factor) # Prediction

(actual <- MROZ$inlf %>% as.factor) # actual data

caret::confusionMatrix(Probit.pred, actual, positive = “1”)

# Percent correctly predicted for logit model

(Logit.pred <- (fitted(Logit) > 0.5) %>% as.numeric %>% as.factor) # Prediction

confusionMatrix(Logit.pred, actual, positive = “1”)