Critically appraise four journal articles reporting original research relevant to your clinical research question using the appropriate critical appraisal form.

Critical appraisal of original research
Order Description
THIS ORDER IS LINKED TO THE LAST ORDER PLACED #81627347. Essentially using the artles gathers from the lat paper and using them in this one and critcally apprasing 4 articles.
. The assessment task sheet 2 the Marking crietea sheet and 3 the last paper that was writienn so you can gather the artilces from there. The Critical Apprasial forms can be found on this website!casp-tools-checklists/c18f8
please let me know at the earliest time if there are any questions regarding this order.
ALLH12006 Evidence-Based Practice for Allied Health
Term 1 2016
Assessment Task 2: Critical appraisal of original research
Weighting: 30%
Due: Online submission due Wednesday 4th May 2016 2.00pm AEST (Week 8)
Word limit: 2500 maximum
This assignment aligns with course outcomes 2 and 3.
The AIMs of this assignment task are to:
1. Critically appraise four journal articles reporting original research
relevant to your clinical research question using the appropriate critical
appraisal form.
2. Provide an evaluative summary for each of your critically appraised
articles.Assessment Task 12: Formatting/Layout Requirements
Title Page
Title page should be plain and non-distracting (no need for colours or fancy borders) and should
present only the necessary information as per usual including: name student ID course code and
Assessment Task name. Use standard font (Times New Roman Arial) and this should be 12pt. You
should use 1.5 line spacing with page margins no smaller than 2.5cm. Ensure that all tables are
appropriately titled. Ensure that you save and submit your assessment as a word document in the
following format: Your surname your first name course code assessment 2. (Eg: HaymanMel.
Task 1: Critical Appraisal
You should complete the relevant critical appraisal form for each of the four journal articles you
have chosen to include in this assessment task. These four journal articles should be drawn from
those you were left with at the very end of your PRISMA information search from assessment task 1.
Ensure each critical appraisal starts on a new page.
Task 2: Evaluative Summary
Following each of your critical appraisals you should provide an evaluative summary for each of
your four journal articles. Your evaluative summaries should present a concise summary of the
research article including topic area the research question/s the methods the main results and
main conclusions. You should also state whether you believe the research represents high medium
or low quality evidence. You should then justify your decision by providing at least two strengths of
the research and two possible limitations. Your information should be guided by the information
extracted using the critical appraisal tool.
Each evaluative summary should be no more than 350 words.

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