. Define muscle fatigue and describe some of the causes of this condition.

November 17, 2019 Off All,


BSC2086L Case Study #2 Modified from: The Tired Swimmer: A Case Study on the Nervous System By Allison Russo, Morgan Falk and Phil Stephens National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science Fall 2019 For this assignment, use the case study information below to apply the material that you are learning in Anatomy and Physiology II lab. This case study correlates with both the cardiovascular effects of exercise lab and the muscles and EMG lab performed in class. Please be sure to pay attention to the details and requirement of the guidelines. Unlike case study #1 which you completed as a group, this case study must be completed individually. Summarize all information in your own words and reference sources appropriately. For more information regarding plagiarism, please refer to your syllabus and the USF Academic Integrity Policy. In order to receive credit for the assignment, both a full digital copy submitted through Turnitin and a matching hard copy submitted in class are required. Case Information Annie is a swimmer for her college. Recently, she has experienced decreased performance in the pool, resulting in slower times even though she has been working hard in practice. Additionally, she has been plagued with blurry vision and eye strain. Her eye strain has become progressively worse over the last month. Any typing done for school makes her fingers ache and feel weak, and sometimes they seem to not function at all. Simple physical activities such as walking a flight of stairs makes her feel extremely fatigued and leaves her gasping for air. On top of these symptoms, she is constantly tired. Due to her symptoms, Annie decided to see her family doctor who referred her to a neurologist. After running a series of test, the neurologist determined that Annie’s nerve function was normal as there was no evidence for nerve fatigue and the nerve conduction velocity was fine. However, when testing the muscle, it was determined that the muscle response decreased quickly during repeated nerve stimulation. This suggested that muscle response fatigued. Lab tests were performed as well in order to reach a diagnosis. When an edrophonium test was performed, Annie reported feeling much better, but only for a short period of time. Additionally, when looking at Annie’s blood work, it was determined that there were an abnormally high level of antibodies in her blood. It was also discovered that Annie has a tumor on her thymus. Case Study Guidelines You will be responsible for writing a 2-3 page response to this case. Your case study should not exceed 3 pages. Similar to case study #1, you will need to conduct background research in order to complete this assignment, providing appropriate information to support your diagnosis. You must use a minimum of two references, one of which must be your Lt background information. Your report should be type-written in 12- point font, double-spaced, and have 1 ¼-inch left and right margins and 1-inch top and bottom margins. Spelling, grammar and quality of writing will count! All writing should be in the correct tense and in the passive voice (i.e. do not use the terms ‘I’ or ‘We’). You must submit a Word doc or docx file. Other file types will not be accepted. For more information, please be sure to refer to the ‘Guidelines for Case Studies’ document posted in Canvas and provided to you in class. 2 Title: Include a title meaningful to the case study, your name, the course, the section number and the date. Introduction: Using background information gathered on the presented topic, write an introduction for your case study. Don’t simply lay out the required information, be sure to tie your introduction together and include proper transitions. You should not be moving through your introduction as if it is a list. In a narrative format, be sure to provide details on the following: 1. Briefly describe both the macro and micro (cellular) anatomy of a skeletal muscle. 2. Define muscle fatigue and describe some of the causes of this condition. 3. Describe the neuromuscular junction. Be sure to include details regarding the anatomy and physiology of the neuromuscular junction, describing how an action potential and acetycholine are involved in this junction. 4. Describe Electromyography. What does it show? 5. Briefly describe the function of antibodies. Additionally, define what antigens are and what role they play in antibody production. Diagnosis: Based on the information provided regarding the patient, please diagnosis her condition. In your diagnosis, please describe how her symptoms and medical tests led you to this conclusion. What specific tests may have been performed in order to diagnose the patient? Be sure to apply the information you learned in lab in order to complete the diagnosis. Prognosis and Medical Treatment Plan: Based on the diagnosis, describe the patient’s prognosis and any necessary long term medical treatment. In what ways would the outlook for the patient be different if no treatment was provided? How would no treatment impact daily life? Conclusion: Synthesize the information provided in your case study. Be sure to adequately wrap up the information presented and highlight the important details from your report. References: The citation style used in the natural sciences is the CSE (Council of Science Editors) citation style. Please refer to the bottom of page 2 of the Guidelines for Case Studies document provided to you in class and posted in Canvas. Direct quotes may not be used. All information used from another source must be paraphrased and cited appropriately (both within the text and the reference section). AT LEAST 2 different references are required. One of these references must be the Lt background information. The additional outside references must either be a textbook or a scientific journal article, not a blog or other non-scientific website. Tools used to locate electronic copies of journal articles that might be pertinent to your topic include ISI Web of Science (portal can be accessed through the USF Library website, www.lib.usf.edu) and Google Scholar (scholar.google.com). The library has a guide on how to get started on research and finding reference articles at http://guides.lib.usf.edu/howtoguides. There is also an online textbook site at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books where you can search for textbooks dealing with your topic. NOTE: Wikipedia is an encyclopedia and is not an acceptable reference for this course. However, like any encyclopedia, it might serve as a starting point for research, since Wikipedia uses citations and references. 3 Please beware! If you use outside sources for information but only list the sources in the reference section and not within the text, you will lose 50% of the possible points on your case study assignment. Also, please note that the 2-3 page case study limit does not include the reference section. To submit your case study to Turnitin, go to ‘Assignments’ in Canvas, click on ‘Case Study #2’, then on the ‘Submission Upload’ button in the assignment inbox. Be sure that you click the ‘Submit’ button after uploading the file. You will only be allowed to submit Microsoft Word doc and docx file types. You will not receive credit for this assignment unless you submit the full document to Turnitin along with a matching hard copy in class. It is your responsibility to ensure that your document is uploaded correctly. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your assignment.

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